Our beneficial deeds are causing many to hear the Word of God
Last Saturday over 40 students from BBC spent the day evangelizing in the city. It looks as though I will have four college interns for six weeks and two of them for the whole summer. We have had visitors in everyone of our services for the past... [ ... ]
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Our Blog
-- recent blog posts -- 08/13/15 - Set Apart for the Ministry 07/13/15 - Death Has Lost its Sting 07/01/15 - Ten Thousand Dollar Days 04/24/15 - Church Planting Models 04/05/15 - Secret Joy 03/10/15 - Something Special Happened Today 03/04/15 - Where are the Men? 02/22/15 - Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief! 02/10/15 - World Travelers and Building Renovators 02/02/15 - NYGM and King's College Service day 01/11/15 - Brothers, Pray for Us - That the Word... 01/05/15 - Visitors from Near and Far 12/29/14 - Resolved in the New Year 12/22/14 - I'll Be Home for Christmas 12/15/14 - My Carnegie Hall Debut 12/08/14 - Baptisms and Board Meetings 12/02/14 - Thanksgiving in Manhattan 11/24/14 - New Attendance Record and Thanksgiving... 11/18/14 - Single for a Season 11/11/14 - Above and Below, Before and Behind,... 11/03/14 - Is the Sky Falling? 10/27/14 - Seasons and Rhythms of Life 10/23/14 - When God Changes your Plans 10/13/14 - NYC Vacation: Wedding, Roadtrip, MDiv... 10/06/14 - Don’t let me lose my wonder 09/24/14 - Calling Out David Green, S. Truett... 09/24/14 - General Needs List 09/08/14 - "Why in the world are you moving to New... 08/29/14 - God Be With You ‘Til We Meet Again 08/29/14 - God Be With You ‘Til We Meet Again... 08/21/14 - Sunrise, Sunset. 08/12/14 - Update from the Concrete Field. 07/29/14 - Experiencing Opposition. 07/24/14 - Vile and Full of Sin Am I, Thou Art... 07/16/14 - Visit Us With Thy Salvation, Enter... 07/09/14 - Summer at the Mission: Where do I start? 06/30/14 - What God Doeth, It Shall Be Forever. 06/25/14 - Thank You, Teams from Last Week.... 06/14/14 - Summer Vacation 06/05/14 - Love and Unity Among the Brethren 05/27/14 - My Rejoicing in Heralding the Gospel 05/21/14 - Welcome, Fellow Laborers; Come Enter... 05/04/14 - Routine (?) Happenings at the Mission 04/24/14 - God, the Same Through All Generations.... 04/18/14 - Blessed, Perhaps Obscure, Truths of... 04/12/14 - Plodders, We Go Along Life's Road,... 04/02/14 - Who is Really Able to Know the Work... 03/21/14 - The Days Fly By, But God is at Work. 03/11/14 - Our Inner Cities ARE Mission Fields 03/02/14 - We walk in the light, and a Great Light... 02/23/14 - The dwelling place for cold and weary... 02/17/14 - Ministry update + Editorial: A Tale of... 02/08/14 - Old snow, old van, new infrastructure 02/01/14 - Cold temperatures 01/26/14 - First of new weekly blog postings 11/02/12 - Prayer Points for NYGM in the wake of... 09/26/11 - This week we had to add two more... 09/13/11 - New Ministry Video on YouTube! 08/21/11 - Baptismal Service at Brighton Beach 08/14/11 - Gospel Response and Baptisms 07/17/11 - He is saving His people from their sins. 07/15/11 - We had a full house tonight with... 04/11/11 - The chapel was full with 85 people in... 04/02/11 - Our beneficial deeds are causing many... 02/25/11 - 7 van loads of food in one weekend.. 02/18/11 - Ministry Need: We need an inexpensive... 04/12/10 - We had a good service yesterday with... 03/27/10 - God has a sense of humor.. 03/23/10 - We had to have four services today to... 03/19/10 - Tuesday we had 145 people come for the... 03/16/10 - We had 137 people come to the services... 03/14/10 - Nine-nine year old man attends our... 03/12/10 - Update from NYGM 03/07/10 - Bread of Life Ministry