A girl once walked out into a yard sale her mother and neighbors were putting on and suddenly cried “hey, that’s mine.” She followed that with, “everything on this table is mine.” Her mother came over and told her she had not played with these toys in over a year, she could not wear the clothes, and everything on the table was junk. It would be sold or given away. The girl responded by walking over to the cashier and saying: “I want to buy everything on that table please.”
In that story you have the message of the bible. God the father wanted a bride for his son, so he created the universe. He created humanity in his own image to be in a perfect relationship with his son. But before we had the time to mature, men rebelled, we chose independence over love, and in so doing we ruined ourselves and each other.
God the son looked at this world covered with junk and said, Hey that’s mine. So he took the form of man, came as Jesus and paid the redemption price for his bride. Now he is in the process of cleaning, repairing and making us able to love him again.
Our text for today shows how Jesus sorts through the junk and finds what is his. We have demonstrated what theologians name – our effectual calling. Jesus powerfully, effectively and sweetly draws us to himself with chords of love that cannot be broken. Jesus sweetly calls each of us personally to follow him passionately. I want you to notice that the call is powerful, personal and passionate.