“God is a righteous judge, and a God who feels indignation every day. If a man does not repent, God will whet his sword; he has bent and readied his bow;” (Psalm 7: 11 - 12)
Beloved, This week I want us to take a look at something that is seldom talked about in the present day church; God’s indignation and judgment on those who do not repent. Many today are quick to say that God is a loving god, and that is true but God is also a just god that must judge sin and impose the penalty for rebellion on those who refuse to turn from that rebellion. The psalmist picks up on this truth when he says that God’s hatred (indignation) of sin causes Him to sharpen (whet) His sword and draw His bow against those who do not repent. I realize that the idea of God actively striking individuals for unrepentant sin may be unsettling to many but that is exactly the point. People throughout history have found it alarming that God is angry with sinners; the difference is that today we attempt to ignore this truth and pretend that it will never happen. We have distorted the correct view of God by making Him a grandfather or Santa Clause who only wants to give us good gifts and who would never do anything to harm people. After all, God is love isn’t He? Yes, precisely and that is why God in His word has told us in advance that He will unleash His sword and bow upon all those who do not turn from their wickedness and rebellion before Him. God is giving us every opportunity to stop living sinful lives and seek Him while He may be found. However; there is quickly coming a day when all the chances to repent of sin will be over. In that day, God will show Himself as the righteous judge of all creation who deals justly will all people either by His mercy given to those who live in obedience to His word or by righteous judgment of those who have continued to refuse God’s call to turn from sin in lieu of self-centered rebellion. The question is not will this happen, but rather what side will you be found on when it does?
Word for the weak
Justice, (2194) זָעַם (zā∙ʿǎm): v.; express wrath, show fury, i.e., have feelings of displeasure with (but not necessarily out of control passion), justified or unjustified, with a focus on the acts of anger and punishment toward the object of one’s anger; of wrath; as “accursed,” denounce, curse, i.e., speak words invoking harm toward another, with a focus on the hostility toward him. Used this week in Psalm 7: 11 - 12.