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Holy Spirit Walk
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An American and an Englishman viewed the Niagara whirlpool rapids. The American said, "Come, and I'll show you the greatest unused power in the world." Together they went to the foot of Niagara Falls. The American said, "There is the greatest unused power in the world." The Englishman answered his friend, "Ah, no my brother, not so! The greatest unused power in the world is the Holy Spirit of the living God."

That conclusion causes disagreement among Christians and nonChristians alike. Sadly, nothing causes more fear in the minds and hearts of born again christians than the Holy Spirit. In fact, few Christians even talk about the Holy Spirit, and preachers seldom preach about Him. We give credit to others rather than to the Holy Spirit.

Consequently, we deify mankind. Our born again Christianity centers around self. We deny glory to God that He alone rightly deserves. It grieves the Holy Spirit and quenches His work in our lives and in the Christian Church.

As a result, we lack the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit and do not enjoy the glorious presence of God. We face a crossroads. We need a Holy Spirit sent revival that will spiritually transform born again Christians.

If the Christian Church will ever again experience the glorious out pouring of the Holy Spirit in revival, we must examine the Scriptures for God's will regarding the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. When we discover the truth, we must turn in repentance from our old ways to believe and obey God's truth. He will change our lives. It will begin a spiritual revival in the Christian Church. The Holy Spirit will reform us. We will know joy unspeakable and full of glory.

God gives two commands to born again Christians concerning the Holy Spirit. One calls us to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit. The other one concerns our Christian walk. You will find it in the Scriptures:

"This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh." Galatians 5:16

From the Scriptures, I want to examine some particular absolute truths about walking in the Holy Spirit that God calls born again Christians to believe and obey. I pray that the Holy Spirit will use these truths to bring a spiritual revival to you that will revolutionize your life.

Meaning of walking in the Holy Spirit

First, I want to clarify the meaning of the words "...walk in the Spirit." In its literal sense, the word walk means to tread all around. It describes the common practice of travel on foot.

In its figurative sense, as used in the Scriptures, it pictures how one lives. It describes behavior and conduct. It illustrates how someone regulates his/her life which follows a given standard.

In other words, its metaphorical sense describes habitual conduct and signifies the whole round of the activities of an individual's life. The Holy Spirit becomes the rule of action so that the born again Christian orders his/her behavior in the power of the Holy Spirit and under His control.

The individual Christian yields to the authority and ability of the Holy Spirit in all areas of life, and thus walks in the Holy Spirit. The born again Christian lives under the eye of God and moves with the knowledge of God's continual onlooking.

In addition, this kind of life walks according to the Scriptures. It hardly seems necessary to make the point, but we often forget that the Scriptures reveal them as breathed by the Holy Spirit to those who recorded it. To those who walk in the Holy Spirit, it becomes the rule of behavior, the standard of faith and practice. All of life then revolves around faith and obedience to the Scriptures.

Mandate of walking in the Holy Spirit

You will note in the Scriptures that the word comes as a command given to born again Christians, not as a suggestion. Nor does it reveal a recommendation or a good idea. Instead, God by the Holy Spirit issues a clear directive, "...walk in the Spirit." He demands it of all those who name the Name of Christ as Lord and Savior.

At this point, many, if not most, born again Christians fail. I find many clues that lead me to this conclusion. For example, the Christian Church today desperately needs revival. She has become a pale example of the Christian Church of the Scriptures, let alone of the revived Church throughout history.

Further, we know little of His glorious presence in our lives. Born again Christians often mistake the response to stirring, exciting music and messages for the work of the Holy Spirit. Our worldly and fleshly influenced lives grieve and quench the work of the Holy Spirit so that we cannot identify Him and His work.

Except for space and time, I could list yet other signs of our failure to walk in the Holy Spirit. Sadly, the Christian Church shows little evidence of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, individually and collectively. The operation of the Holy Spirit produces fruit consistent with His character and nature. We can attribute few effects of the Holy Spirit in the Christian Church today.

God has begun to judge the Christian Church for her disobedience. He has turned His face from us and let born again Christians flounder in their rebellion. Our self-congratulations have a hollow ring to them. Too often our lives mirror the young boy who whistled in the graveyard to relieve his fears. Merely saying it does not make it so.

Only repentant hearts of born again Christians will turn the face of the Holy Spirit once again upon us that He might revive us. I pray with the prophet of old as recorded in the Scriptures:

"Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down, that the mountains might flow down at thy presence." Isaiah 64:1

Manner of life that results

A life of walking in the Holy Spirit requires a life of yielding to Him in all the activities of life. It demands that the born again Christian live in agreement with the motions and tendencies of the Holy Spirit. A new manner of life will result with several manifest features which will identify it.

The born again Christian who walks in the Holy Spirit will not live according to the flesh. Note the clear statement in the Scriptures:

"This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh." Galatians 5:16

In the verses that follow this statement in the Scriptures, we find some of the marks of the fleshly lifestyle:

"Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, {20} Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, {21} Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." Galatians 5:19-21

These works reveal the natural tendencies of the sinful, natural heart of mankind. Though not a complete listing of mankind's sins, it does reveal sins against the first, second, and the seventh commandments, sins against the royal law of love to others, and sins against ourselves.

A walk in the Holy Spirit keeps the born again Christian from a manner of life marked by these fleshly sins. The Holy Spirit influences and directs the Christian into the truth, holiness, and righteousness. An upright life distinguishes the one who walks in the Holy Spirit from the one who does not. The Holy Spirit brings victory by His power alone.

The born again Christian who walks in the Holy Spirit manifests the fruit of the Spirit. The Scripotures state:

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, {23} Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23

These inclinations and their acts flow naturally as the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the life of those who walk in the Spirit. Just as a pear tree produces pears and a cherry tree produces cherries, the Holy Spirit brings forth His fruit in the life of one yielded to His authority.

As you can see, the Holy Spirit always produces effects suitable to the cause and source of them, Himself.

What does the Holy Spirit want these truths to accomplish in your life today? He will clarify the truth for you. I pray that the Holy Spirit has opened your eyes to see these truths.

Conformity to the truth will correct born again Christians from error. It enables us to shun false doctrine and to avoid sinful practices. It molds our judgment with instruction to believe and a command to obey. The fruit of the Spirit identifies graces and practices which we should desire. I pray that the Holy Spirit will apply these truths in your life today.

Where has the Holy Spirit identified today your failure to apply these truths in your life? Do you believe them? Or have you not applied them in your life through ignorance, doubt, or denial? Have you instead missed the truth and believed a fallacy?

Do these truths describe how you live? Does the Holy Spirit govern your whole round of activities in life? Does He regulate your life, its ambitions and its actions? Do you conduct your life in accordance with the Scriptures? Do you live in constant awareness of God's glorious presence?

Rejection of these truths takes many forms. It can result from ignorance or rebellion. Often, spiritual self-satisfaction makes the born again believer immune to the Holy Spirit's call. Our self-righteousness applauds our efforts and makes us feel like we have attained spiritual maturity.

Consequently, the Christian Church robs God of the honor and obedience that He alone deserves. As born again believers, we dethrone the sovereign rule of the Holy Spirit in our lives by rejecting His supernatural authority and ability. We miss His glorious presence and fruit, too.

I pray that you will recognize God's requirements and your obligation to them. I pray that you will repent from your sin of unbelief and disobedience and find relief in the blood of Jesus shed for sin.

May He come in grace and begin this work in your life today.


1 Gill, John. Exposition Of The Old And New Testaments (The Baptist Standard Bearer, Inc., Paris, AR), 9 Vols. reprinted in 1989.

2 Henry, Matthew. Matthew Henry's Commentary On The Whole Bible (Revell, New York) 6 Vols.

3 Poole, Matthew. A Commentary On The Holy Bible (Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody, MS), 3 Vols.

4 Robertson, A. T., Litt. D. Word Pictures In The New Testament (Baker Book House, Grand Rapids) 6 Vols.

5 Strong, James, S. T. D., LL. D. The Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible (Abingdon, New York) 1890.

6 Thayer, Joseph Henry, D. D. A Greek-English Lexicon Of The New Testament (Baker Book House, Grand Rapids) 1977.

7 Vincent, Marvin R., D. D. Word Studies In The New Testament (MacDonald Publishing Company, McLean, VA) 4 Vols.

8 Vine, W. E. Expository Dictionary Of New Testament Words (Zondervan, Grand Rapids) 1981.

9 Watson, Thomas. The Godly Man's Picture (The Banner Of Truth Trust, Carlisle, PA) 1992.

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