The worst Christmas ever – I finally got the Atari 2600. I had been wanting one for over a year, and by now everyone else had one. I opened it, and saw the only game I would have to play for months was – Space Invaders. There was something about knowing this gift took my mom months to save up for, and about knowing that I had the lamest game on the market, and knowing that I would not get another one for months that made me feel poor. I was angry with myself for not being happy, angry with my mother for being mad that I wasn’t happy, angry with my father for not providing better, just angry.
We cannot be at peace with the people and things in life until we are at peace on another level.
Fighting with your boss. When you are at war with your boss there is no peace. You hate your job, hate God for giving you the job, your wife is worried that there is no stability, you worry over bills, everything is in flux.
Multiply that by a million and you see the natural state of Man. The natural man is at war with God.
James 4: 4 You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
The message of Christmas is that God has made peace with us. We can receive that peace, and then experience it in every sphere of life.
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