His kingdom is secure, he sits over it with joy. Is his kingdom your kingdom? Is the expansion of his kingdom your heart’s desire?
Every one of us has our own kingdom. You have had it since you were a kid. It started in your room, and you didn’t want your siblings to mess it up. It spread to your sports field, your friendships, your favorite classes, wherever you excelled you spread your dominion. But it was never safe was it?
Last week I defeated Tiger Woods in Wii Golf. As the boys watched, Will pointed out “Tiger doesn’t look very happy.” I responded, he never will son. His kingdom lives or dies on every golf shot. He will never be secure. If he ever stops to enjoy it for a day, he might lose the next tournament, and not be the best anymore.
What is your kingdom? If your job fails, will you be a failure? What has the power to devastate you? What has the power to bring ecstatic joy?
Remember how we said the kingdom grows by the church. If you don’t know what your kingdom is, ask yourself what is your church? What will you not miss? What will you arrange your calendar around? What has absolute power over your time and energy?
I hope you understood Beau’s point last week about his love for OU football dying as his love for the kingdom grew. Football is a great pastime, but a terrible king. Making Christ your only king allows you to enjoy football without being dominated by it. It allows you to love your kids, without worshipping them or raising them with the terror of disappointing you. It allows you to work hard and leave your job at the office. It allows you to go to class to learn the material, not to earn a grade or justify your existence. It allows you to watch unhealthy friends or girlfriends walk away without taking your dignity with them.
Examine your heart. What is your kingdom? If you do not experience the joy and peace of serving Christ, demand of yourself, what is your kingdom?
The question is scary, sometimes the choices are too. This summer I had to face whether or not I was willing to honestly hand over control of the Church. What if it became a church I didn’t like anymore? I had to die to that. I had to die to my certainty that I would live here forever. And in that death I found life. What is your kingdom?