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Christmas Carol '74, Part 3
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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...continued from yesterday...


The scene shifts to the present Marshall home, on a typical school morning. Emily is RJ’s wife.

Emily: Ronald Junior, hurry up and get ready for school. Don’t forget, Mommy’s going Christmas shopping today. RJ, are you up yet? RJ!

RJ (slowly entering, wet towel on head): Don’t shout, woman, I got ears. I also got one big hangover. (aside) And one noisy wife.

Emily: Hmph! RJ, that BOTTLE is going to be the end of you. And in the meantime, it’s going to destroy this family. Ronald, HURRY! Where IS that child?

RJ: Why isn’t he up?

Emily: Oh, there was some movie on last night… lasted till about 2 or 3.

RJ: 2 or 3, huh? That TV is going to be the end of HIM!

Emily: Ronald!!!

RJ: And that shouting is going to be the end of you! (shaking his fist, but non-threateningly)

Emily (unconcerned) : Well, we’ll just all end it together. (Ronald finally appears, and as he and Emily leave:) Come on son.

RJ (shouting after them) : You know, Emily, sometimes…

Blackout. When lights come back, RJ is seated at a desk adding up some figures, Emily is crocheting.

RJ: Emily! How much did you spend on Christmas gifts? If this figure is correct I may have to start another clothing industry.

Emily: Ha! You’re a little too old for that…

RJ (ignoring her comment) : Look at this! $300.00 for a bedspread, $25.00 for hosiery, $1000.00 for a dress! What’s it made out of? Silk, with diamond buttons?

Emily: Oh, you always exaggerate. Anyway I got that on sale. It’s a Gauvenchy original.

RJ: Well that price is just a little too original for me.

Emily: But what will people think if we don’t give them something nice?

RJ: They might think we finally got honest with them.

Emily: You mean you don’t think our friends are worthy of nice gifts?

RJ: I mean, most of our friends aren’t worthy of the title “friends.”

Emily: RJ!

RJ: Don’t “RJ” me. You know as well as I do that those people want our money.

Emily: Oh I think you’re sick!

RJ: I think I’m going to be sick if you keep going out and spending every dollar I earn in meaningless gifts!

Emily: Oh, I’m sure they’re meaningful to someone. And anyway I don’t spend all your money.

RJ: Yes, you do leave me a small allowance. You’re such a big person.

Emily: Thank you dear. By the way, when are we going to begin decorating the trees and yard? It’s only 6 weeks till Christmas.

RJ: Let’s wait awhile this year. Energy crisis, you know.

Emily: Oh, that’s for the other people– we’re the MARSHALLS!

RJ (In her face) : We’re the Marshalls, we’re the Marshalls. Oh is that so. Let’s go back to basics for awhile: I’M the Marshalls, YOU came along for the ride.

EMILY (undaunted, in his face): Well, I must say the ride has been getting very bumpy lately, Lord Marshall. And let me tell YOU something. I AM a WOMAN and proud of it. Things have changed, dear Master, women aren’t the slaves they used to be. Don’t think for one minute that I couldn’t do just as well on my own. So if you look on me that way, you can just get yourself another servant!

RJ: Why not, help’s cheap these days.

At this, Emily slaps RJ on the arm, and at that moment, Ronald Jr. appears from a hiding place behind the couch.


Ronald (As he speaks he is backing away) : I’ve always had to listen upstairs. Thought I’d get a closer view tonight. Well, I’ll see you two later. I’m on my way to church. I think the lesson in Youth Group tonight is about respecting your parents…(exit)

back to office

RJ: No, Collins couldn’t possibly have known. Unless Emily called him… or Ronald. But it doesn’t really matter. I know what’s going on. I have to live with it every day. I need to catch the stock report. (He walks to and turns on radio)

Radio Preacher: But though you’ve tried to run from God, He’s still after you. He loves you. He loves you. Whoever you are listening today, God loves you. And oh how real the love of God can be at this time of year when even the hardest of people feel impelled to give, as God gave.

RJ (flipping off radio angrily) : How in the world did I turn on a Christian radio station when I never listen to Christian radio? Somebody’s tryin’ to tell me something? But I’m not the “hardest of people”. (He turns to the radio) And I don’t feel “impelled to give”!!! I don’t! Oh, look at me, screaming at a radio. (He breaks.) Is there a way out of this prison? Could it be? Could life REALLY be meaningful? I wonder what it would be like if…



When lights arise we are in the Marshall home again. Emily, noticeably sweeter, is on the phone.

Emily: Hello. Oh, hello dear...fine...Ronnie just went back to school for the afternoon...yes, he’s fine. Ron, this change has made the difference. His grades are up. He doesn’t even turn on that TV, he’s so involved at church. And you! Ron, I love you...I know you do...Isn’t this Jesus wonderful?...What?...You’re kidding...But the industry... That’s wonderful...a full week!...Yes, Ron will be starting winter break on Monday...Oh Ron, a full week of just us, together...OK, see you tonight…(She kisses the phone.)

Back to office

RJ: Could it be? Could it be? Could I have the same joy in giving that I had as a little boy? I almost feel I could. And if that preacher’s right, a change now will affect me even after I leave this world. (Black out office area, spotlight on RJ only)

Voice Offstage: Ronald, you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many. Enter into the joys of your Lord.

RJ: But Lord, I’m not worthy.

Voice: But Ronald, I am. And that day you gave your heart to me, I started living at your house. Come on in.


Lights back up. RJ appears to be waking.

RJ: Come on in...Come...Come… Yes, I’ll do it. Right here and right now. O God, take me back, forgive me. Thanks Lord. (He begins to be very happy) Praise God! It’s all over! Frustration gone! Hallelujah! So that’s why they say Hallelujah!

Nancy (entering): Sir, are you all right?

RJ: ALL RIGHT? Never been higher in my life!

Nancy: Y-Yes sir, that’s what I meant…

RJ: Don’t worry, Nancy, I’m not ill. I’m alive. I’m awake! You know, you started me thinking. I’ve been nothing but an old Scrooge. But today, without all those ghosts he had to go through, I’ve been visited by my life as it was, as it is, and as it will be.

Nancy: Well praise the Lord!

RJ (beginning to speak then showing surprise) : Nancy! You mean YOU are…

Nancy: Sure am. Even a humble secretary can be in touch with God.

RJ: Ha! A humble secretary. Well as of next week, you can count yourself $25.00 a week less humble.

Nancy: Why Mr. Marshall!

RJ (sternly) : And furthermore! (Nancy is tense) Merry Christmas, Nancy.

Nancy: Thanks RJ. You too.

RJ: Nancy, call Emily, tell her I’m on my way home… and don’t whisper a word of this.

Nancy: Right! (as she begins to call, RJ exits)

Category:  Church Drama

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