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Things you need to know about "tradition."
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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Here's an outline you can use some day when you teach a lesson on "tradition"...

“Tradition” in the BIBLE (paradosis) is very varied! It could be…

A. The tradition of the Jewish Elders, like:

1. The Law of Moses, or

2. By Jesus’ day, many add-on’s, rules, regulations, ceremonies. By the time the evolution of the old laws is complete, there is a total reversal of the original meanings! Mark 7:3-13

3. Alluded to by Paul, Galatians 1:14

4. And Peter I Peter 1:18

Essentially, “tradition” is a mixed bag that Jesus calls the tradition of men, and “your” tradition, as opposed to the truth of God. Much like Romanism today. True and False are mixed and cause confusion to true seekers after God.

B. Men’s ideas (totally). “Tradition” is also Gentile philosophies and principles affecting the early church, and by extension, the church of all ages. Colossians 2:8

C. The oral and written teachings of Paul and the other apostles. I Corinthians 11:2, II Thessalonians 2:15, 3:6. The “apostles’ teaching”, all of which was eventually written and passed on. We have that tradition in

the New Testament. Precepts passed down to us, from Christ. All the Bible is our “tradition” in that sense.

D. The word itself “tradition”, paradosis is not an especially holy or unholy word. It just means, things you pass on. “Transmission or precept handed down. An idea.” Biblically, it can mean any of the three things above!

So leave it to Rome to narrow the definition and thus spread confusion

about it. Be sure you are settled on the Biblical definitions before you

deal with Rome’s, on this or any issue.

II. Tradition in Rome Defined

(Catechism, 1994, pp 24 ff. Part One Article Two.)

A. Rome says tradition is narrowed to transmission of Divine revelation. And divided:

1. Apostolic preaching, oral and written

2. Apostolic succession, a living transmission, distinct from Scripture. Eg: The sayings of the holy fathers. God who spoke in the past, continues to converse with the Church, leading all believers to full truth. Yes, and non-Catholics agree, but assert that that conversing is through the Holy Ghost, and is merely an illumination of revelation already received.

B. Though considered the fullness of the revelation, combining Scripture and “sayings”, another way of dividing things is to see Scripture as apart from “tradition,” with both of these entities making up the “Tradition.” This lesser meaning includes all non- Scriptural “revelation.”

C. But this is not to be confused with “traditions” such as the ever-changing discipline, liturgy, and devotions of the church. While tradition is declared to be static, traditions can vary regularly.

D. All Tradition, in order to be called such, must be verified and interpreted by the “Magisterium” or Teaching Authority, bishops and Pope, of the Roman system.

III. Bible vs. Rome

A. The main difference between the Bible’s take on tradition and Rome’s: Rome says revelation has not stopped (as do the Mormons, the Muslims, the Witnesses, many charismatics). Bible-believers assert that it has stopped. Rev. 22:18-19 . The foundation has been laid. Ephesians 2:20 . It does not need to be laid again. Only discovered.

B. A comparison

1.The Old Testament canon ends with Malachi. But religious Jews continued to add on their rules & regs to God’s revelation. By the time Jesus appeared, He had to rebuke them because of their ongoing revelation, and he called their add-ons “traditions of men.”

2. The New Testament canon ends with Revelation. Rome gives lip-service to this but keeps adding things on. The test of Rome’s add-ons is whether they line up with Scripture. If they do, they are not needed. If they don’t, they’re condemned.

C. The “later traditions” of Rome. Billy Graham once commented that it is only the “later traditions” of Rome with which we differ. That’s like saying , that wine you are drinking only differs from this grape juice in one respect. But that difference will kill you, if it is poison.

The cup which the woman of Revelation 17 holds is filled with a mixture of evils with which she drugs the world. This tradition is what makes Rome, Rome.

It doesn’t matter how much truth is in the cup. Tradition added in makes the Word of God of no effect, except the effect of drunkenness or death.

D. Examples

1. The Word: Jesus is our Mediator. Rome, Mary is our mediator.This new tradition negates the Word.

2. The Word: It is finished. Once for all. Rome says Jesus dies on Roman altars regularly. Rome’s tradition negates the Word.

3. The Word: We are saved by grace through faith. It is a Gift of God. Not of works. Rome (Trent): A person who believes he is saved by faith alone is anathema (cursed) Rome negates the Word.

4. The Word: Water cannot take away the filth of the flesh. Rome:

Even its babies must pass through the water, and the act itself brings grace. Rome negates the Word with this tradition.

5. The Word: The Holy Spirit represents Christ to us. Rome says the Pope is the Vicar (representative) of Christ on earth. Rome negates the Word.

6. The Word: We can know we have eternal life. Rome says : Such presumption is sin! Tradition negates the Word.

7. The Word: We are buried with Him in baptism (baptizo). Rome says any amount of water will do. Tradition vs the Word.

8. The Word: Mary claimed God as her Saviour. Rome says Mary was free from sin at conception. Tradition negates Word.

9. The Word: Mary had sons and daughters after Jesus. Rome says Mary is ever a virgin. Rome negates the Word.

10. The Word: Jesus ever lives to make intercession for us! Rome: Mary and the saints are the intercessors. Roman traditions negate the Word.

11. The Word: Mary was a young woman equal in status to all the other disciples. Rome: Mary is the queen of all heaven. Rome negates the Word.

12. The Word: Only God is omnipresent. Rome: Mary can hear and answer all prayers! Rome negates the Word.

13. The Word: It is appointed once to die, then the judgment. For believers, absent from the body means present with Jesus. Rome: There’s a major stopping-off place called Purgatory before Heaven. Tradition vs the Word.

14. The Word condemns idolatry. Rome: it’s acceptable to bow before statues if the statues are Bible characters, especially Mary and Jesus. Rome negates the Word.

15. The Word: Confess your faults one to another and to God. Rome: there’s still a priesthood in between the people of God and God Himself. Rome vs the Word.

16. The Word: Jesus paid the price for our sin. Rome: We will sell you a permission slip, called an indulgence. Rome negates the Word.

17. Word: Marriage is honorable! Most of its main characters are married. Rome: The leaders of God’s Church must refrain from marriage . How much evil has this brought to the planet? Rome vs the Word.

And what shall we more say? For the time would fail us to speak of angels and candles and saints and miracles. Of relics and bingo and collars and tonsures. Of scapulars and rosaries and rituals and masses. Traditions for which men have instituted crusades, massacred people groups, fought for power, sold their souls. Yet these traditions are approved to this day in romanism, though in violation of everything we hold dear from the teachings of the apostles. I leave their words with you again:

“Brothers, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle, and withdraw from every brother who walks disorderly and not according to the tradition which he received from us.” Signed, Paul, and the apostles.

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