The verbs are passive – he was taken up into glory.
I want you to see two important things. First, we are never told that he left the form of a servant behind. He did not leave his human body behind like a space suit he no longer needed. Second, he did not sprout wings and fly off into heaven. He was taken to glory, the Father has exalted him. The New Testament puts great emphasis on the Ascension.
It was part of the original creed – 1 Timothy 3
He was manifested in the flesh,
vindicated by the Spirit,
seen by angels,
proclaimed among the nations,
believed on in the world,
taken up in glory.
It was necessary that the Apostles witness it – Acts 1:22
Why is it so significant that we believe Jesus to still be a man who is right now in Glory?
- God can Speak in a way we understand
The dust of earth sits on the throne of heaven.
One of the great philosophical problems has been the distance between God and man. Philosophers say, even if there is a God, he is so different from us fallible and earthly men we could not know him. We can only understand stuff that is on our level, stuff we can feel, sense and measure.
I don’t have time to go into how Modern Philosophy and Liberal Theology dealt with those issues. But all European and most American thinkers were locked into this problem for centuries – God is too different, we can’t know him rationally.
The ascension of Christ answers this question. From one angle the thinkers are right, God is too far different from man for us to make our own way and find our own path to him. But in a very different way they underestimate God. God is big enough to communicate to us. He does so by making the infinite sacrifice of taking on human flesh, and remaining in human form.
Have you ever tried to communicate to a baby, or even to a pet and felt frustrated? You were frustrated not so much by their weakness as by your own. Why can’t I make this understandable?
God does not have that weakness. He can communicate to those below him. His words come through his human form, and we understand and receive them.
2. You have an Advocate who understands you
The human form of Christ not only means you can understand God. It also means something precious – it means he understands you.
On the throne of heaven right now is a man who knows what it feels like to walk on this earth and live this life. He knows what it feels like to be sick, alone, in pain, heart broken and depressed. He can relate to you.
Hebrews 4: 14 Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Don’t you ever wonder if God has forgotten you? Don’t you ever think he is being unfair, and demanding too much from you? I do.
Jesus does know how you feel, and he has not forgotten you. How do we know? We sang two songs about it this morning:
Rich wounds yet visible above, in beauty glorified.
My name is written on his hands, my name is engraved upon his heart…
3. Heaven is a Real Place
Finally, having the dust of earth on the Throne of heaven means heaven is a real place to us. Yes it is a physical place, a person lives there.
It is real physically, it occupies space and has dimensions.
It is also real emotionally. I know someone there.
Last Wednesday I watched storm chasers on Discovery. I was entrapped because it followed my family’s favorite show “Mythbusters.” But I was interested because it was about the tornado that hit Yazoo City, MS.
When you watch a news or reality show about a city you know, it changes everything. When you hear “Yazoo City” you think, what a funny name. But I think, I know people there. I wonder how the Bailey, the Peaster, and the Pillow families made out. Were their homes destroyed. I know that town because I know those people. It is not news, it is real.
What is heaven to you? Is it just a myth? When you think of entering the presence of God and hearing “Welcome home,” is that just a far off and silly dream? Is it real enough to shape the way you live today? Will it motivate you to say no to temptation? Will it motivate you to give and love generously? Will you stop complaining and verbally abusing those who get in the way of making this life heaven for you? Will you start loving them and serving them to win their hearts?
There is a person waiting on you, speaking to you right now from the throne of God. Do you believe in him, do you hear him, will you live like you love him?