July 16-18, 2010
2nd Annual Free Grace Conference
Of Princeton, New Jersey Isaiah 30: 18: And therefore will the LORD wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for the LORD is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him.
Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd floor
150 Washington Street, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553
Sunday 10:00 AM Bible Class
11:00 AM Morning Service
Thursday 7:00 PM Mid-week Service
Be sure to bookmark our website for daily articles, sermon notes and audio messages
7 Birch Street
Pennington, New Jersey 08534
Phone: 615-513-4464
Email: clay@freegracemedia.com
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On behalf of our church family, we welcome you to our 2nd Annual Free Grace Conference. We are thankful to have three faithful ambassadors of Christ to declare to us the gospel of God's free and sovereign grace. Several brethren whom the Lord has gifted to sing of our Lord have come our way. We look forward to hearing them do so. Our ladies have worked diligently to prepare refreshments and meals for after each service. There are short articles and sermons on CD provided for your taking on the table in the back. Lord willing, the sermons preached this weekend will be available on our website, www.FreeGraceMedia.com. It is to the praise of the glory of God that He has been gracious to enable this congregation to promote the good news of our all-victorious Redeemer in this way. We thank Him. I especially thank each of these dear saints who performed the various tasks necessary to put this meeting together. What a gift to have faithful brethren in the midst of this world! The Psalmist wrote, "Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: let such as love thy salvation say continually, The LORD be magnified" (Ps 40: 16.) So above all, in the singing, the reading of the scriptures, the preaching of the gospel, even in all that is said and done, our purpose and prayer to God for this meeting is that our great God and Savior the Lord Jesus Christ be high and lifted up! We hope you enjoy your time with us and come visit us in our usual meeting location at the Rocky Hill Firehouse (times and address are on the front of the bulletin.) Clay Curtis
Preaching is not designed to teach us something new in every sermon – something we did not know before. Its main purpose is to put us in remembrance---Milton Howard, Pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church, Ball, Louisiana.
7:00pm Joe Terrell, Pastor of Grace Community Church, Rock Valley, Iowa
8:00pm Don Fortner, Pastor of Grace Baptist Church, Danville, Kentucky
10:00am Don Fortner
11:00am Paul Mahan, Pastor of Central Grace Church, Rocky Mount, Virginia
10:00am Paul Mahan
11:00am Joe Terrell
Hebrews 5: 1-6
Christ Jesus receives the preeminent glory in the election of God (Isaiah 42:1-4; Col 1: 18, 19.) God's first choosing was Christ Jesus to represent those God gave him from before the foundation of the world, just as Aaron was chosen of God to represent a particular people (John 6: 39; Eph 1: 3, 4.) And just as Aaron did not take this honor to himself, so also Christ Jesus glorified not himself to be made a priest, but was chosen of God (Hebrews 5: 1-5; John 8: 54.)
What does this have to do with us needy sinners? Every sinner whom God calls in sovereign grace is made a priest unto God through the finished work of Christ (Rev 1: 6; 1 Peter 2: 5) But if Christ Jesus glorified not himself to be made a High Priest then God forbid any sinner glory that by our will we took this honor to ourselves.
Since Adam's one transgression, every man's will is bound to choose that which glorifies man, not God (Rom 3: 10-18.) Still, our total inability in no way negates our responsibility to honor God. When the Spirit of God creates a sinner anew, making us to behold our responsibility in the face of our utter inability, the Lord creates peace in the heart, by teaching us, "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you…" (John 15: 16.) Dear sinner, no peace compares to this peace! The willing heart which God gives through the power of his grace is the willingness to rejoice in this good news that it was not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son, the satisfaction for our sins (I Peter 2: 9.) By the one offering of our great High Priest He perfected forever them that are sanctified (Heb 10: 14.)
Oh, how we rejoice that our God receives all glory for choosing Christ and for choosing whom HE WILL in our Beloved! Those called of God want it no other way.
After clicking on the following links you will go to sermon notes where you will find an option at the top of the page for the audio.
Of and For
The LORD Who Waits
The Father of Lights
Enticement, Conception and Birth of a Saint
Difference in Doers and Hearers Only
Vain Religion and Pure Religion
Hope in Achor
One Whom Jesus Loves
Demas Has Forsaken Me
No Man Can Come to Me, Except
It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time
Faithfulness to Christ's Church
Sermons from last night's conference service are already on our website. Others will be available as the conference continues.