May 16, 2010
Of Princeton, New Jersey
Before any sinner rested our all on Christ the Rock, God the Father rested the glory of his holy name on his Son: "Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the Rock in Horeb." (Ex 17: 6.)
Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd floor
150 Washington Street, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553
Sunday 10:00 AM Bible Class
11:00 AM Morning Service
Thursday 7:00 PM Mid-week Service
Be sure to bookmark our website for daily articles, sermon notes and audio messages
7 Birch Street
Pennington, New Jersey 08534
Phone: 615-513-4464
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Consider: The rich young ruler was told to arrange his life around the worship of Christ rather than lose his life in the world.
(Gen 3: 15, 16; I Tim 2: 15.)
The first mother in scripture is Eve. She was first in the transgression, just as every saved sinner will confess that they are FIRST in transgressing against our God (1 Timothy 1:15.) Still, by declaring Christ (the Seed of woman) was coming God magnified his unchangeable grace toward the woman, his bride, his elect church, the mother of us all. (Gen 3: 15; Mal 2: 16; Is 62: 5; 54: 13.) Also, God declared the woman would have great sorrow in childbearing (Gen 3: 16.) This sorrow speaks not only to what you ladies have to bear in having children, but to the travail God's church had to endure as Satan did everything he could to prevent Christ from coming into this earth: Pharaoh ordered all the male Israelite children to be killed, Haman sought to destroy all the Jews...the people of Mordecai (Es 3: 6), Herod slew all the children that were in Bethlehem,... (Mt 2: 16. See Revelation 12: 1-6.) God declared the only salvation for the woman (the church) is submission to her husband (a type of Christ Jesus) who rules her in wisdom, providing her every need (Gen 3: 16: SOS 7: 10; Isaiah 26: 8; Eph 5: 22-33.)
Submission of the woman to her husband is despised in our day. "Contemporary religion" place women in pulpits and allow women to usurp authority over men. Free-will congregations claim to be the bride of Christ yet teach the woman has the rule over her husband by their message that the sinner (the bride) provides for Christ (the Husband) in allowing him to save her. The more this is the case the more hated it is for man to be in authority in the church, to be head over the wife and his children in the home, even the scriptures become politically incorrect. But at the core of it all is Satan's desire to turn Christ's bride from submitting to Christ Jesus her Husband. "Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety" (I Tim 2: 15.) Nevertheless, by continuing in faith in the Child born (the Seed of Woman) the woman and all her children, God's elect, shall be saved.
As members of the church, you believing women AND men are part of the Mother, the Bride of Christ. We have a Husband, Christ Jesus. Those born of him are our sons and daughters. We have a responsibility to submit to our Husband and to teach our children to do so. What a glorious privilege of grace. Never take it for granted!
Not Just Substance but Ourselves.
2 Corinthians 8: 1-5.
The church at Jerusalem was the established church. The churches at Macedonia were new. They had every obstacle we have here, even more, "deep poverty". Yet, when Jerusalem was in need they provided for Jerusalem. Paul says in verse 5 it is because they "first gave their own selves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God." John Gill wrote: "When it is considered that these persons had given their whole selves, their all to Christ, had committed all into his hands, and devoted themselves entirely to his service; and had declared their subjection to his ministers as servants under him, and to his word and ordinances as ministered by them; it need not be so much wondered at, that they should be so liberal in giving away their worldly substance for the relief of Christ's poor members, when they had given their precious souls, their immortal all, and had committed the salvation of them entirely to him." Oh, may God give us grace to first give ourselves that we might truly give of ourselves.
Thanks to all who helped in providing yourselves, your supplies, and your time yesterday. Over 400 tracts and over 100 sermons were handed out on CD. Wouldn't it be amazing if one of those items fell into the hands of just one of God's lost sheep?
By Daniel Parks
You would surely think poorly of a wife who speaks little about her husband except perhaps to boast of his wealth and possessions, the things he gives to her, and what she has to do for him. You would perhaps assume she is ashamed of his person. I think the same of false churches, especially their ministers. They claim to be married to Jesus Christ. But what they speak of themselves and Him proves the marriage is a sham. He is as ashamed of them as they are of Him (Mk 8:38).They speak more about themselves than Christ: boasting of their supposed "freewill" rather than His sovereign will; boasting of how they "let" Him save them because He otherwise could not have done so; boasting of "deciding for Christ" and "finding Christ" and "accepting Christ" rather than Christ doing those things for them; boasting of "what I have done for Christ" rather than "what Christ has done for me". They speak more about the blessings of Christ than Christ the Blesser: more about salvation than the Savior; more about redemption than the Redeemer; more about reconciliation than the Reconciler; more about justification than the Justifier; more about sanctification than the Sanctifier; more about glorification than the Glorifier. And they disdain the spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ such as divine election in Christ to salvation, predestination with Christ, eternal acceptance in Christ, effectual redemption by Christ, and eternal security in Christ (Eph 1:3-14).They speak more about the things of Christ than the Christ of those things: more about the church of Christ than Christ its Head; more about the kingdom of Christ than Christ its King; more about the family of Christ than Christ its Father; more about the future coming of Christ than the coming Christ; more about the heaven Christ is preparing than Christ who alone is the glory of that place - and of going to heaven to "see my dear Mother". The true wife of Christ is the church boasting of Him instead of herself, rejoicing more in the Blesser than in His blessings, and exalting Christ higher than His things. We are not ashamed of Him and His words (Mk 8:38) and His gospel (Romans 1:16) and His testimony (2 Tim 1:8). Christ's church on earth glorifies God by and in and through Christ alone (Eph 3:21).
After clicking on the following links you will go to sermon notes where you will find an option at the top of the page for the audio.
A Mother's Day Sermon
Three Lessons to Learn
Walking Uprightly or Not Uprightly?
How Did Peter Deal With Contention?
Together in Prayer
Appearance and Reality
Why Brethren Suffer
It Pleased the Lord Through Preaching
Faith Values
The Call of the Sinner
Wisdom and Understanding
Those With Need of Healing
Turn Your Radio On?
Savior of All, Specially of Those That Believe