Our Father, we must confess that we have yet to discover how great Thou art. When we see the complexity of the world and the expanse of the heavens, we should be humbled, but we seldom are. When we realize that You are sovereign, we should be humbled, but we seldom are. All of the events of the day happen by Your holy decree. The birth of the baby, the death of the soldier, the robin that falls from the tree, and the earthquake that devastates the land, all these things are beyond our understanding. Yet, we know that You are there working out Your purposes for Your own glory. Who are we to understand? Who are we to comprehend? Lord, when we consider all these things, we are humbled as ashes falling to the ground.
Lord, we are nothing more than the soil of the ground. You are the potter and we are the clay. We die and we return to dust. We are soon forgotten. We can't know the future. We can't change the weather? We can't reach the sun? We can't raise the dead? History goes on and on, yet we are like a chair on a stage. No one really sees us, and we can only watch as the nations make their moves, and as the earth turns on its axis. What is man that You even consider him? We are so small and everything else is so big.
Lord, our nation is changing. The old wise men will soon pass away. Those raised in a Christian culture will soon be gone. Our old soldiers in the faith will not be there to speak words of wisdom to us. Without vision, we perish, but without men who understand the times we will perish too. The truth seems to be hidden any more. The next generation will have to relearn what they never learned from us, and they will have to learn it the hard way. Lord, have mercy upon us and preserve a remnant in the days to come. We are long past due for judgment and we can only attribute that to the mercy of God. God is much more merciful than we are. But the day always comes. Be sure that your sin will find you out. What is hidden will be shouted from the rooftops. What is built on sand will no long hold us up.
Lord, give us a healthy fear of Thee. We remember Sodom and Gomorrah. We remember the destruction of Jerusalem. Remind us of the Day of Judgment when the Lord shall appear with fire in His eyes and a sword in His hands.
Yea Lord, perfect love casts out fear. The more we love Thee the less we will be fearful. Men can destroy the body, but they cannot touch the spirit. Men can take away our homes, but they cannot take away our faith.
Lord, remind us that if we seek God's Kingdom first, then all the things we have need of will be supplied unto us. Why then do we worry and fret? Why then are we anxious? Lord, forgive us for our unbelief.
Our Father, help us to deal with guilt. We were delivered from the guilt of our past when we came to Christ. Yet, life is full of dealing with guilt every day. We feel guilty all the time. We fall short of the expectations of others and we are made to feel guilty. We failed to love as we ought and we feel guilty. We are told that our best is but filthy rags and we feel guilty. We are told that we have too much material possessions and we feel guilty. We are told that we could do more to help the poor and we feel guilty. We are told that we should witness more and we feel guilty. We are told that we eat too much and we feel guilty. Lord, even as Christians, much of our motivation comes from just feeling guilty. Free us of guilt. Help us to see that we are free in Christ. Give us motivation that flows from the love of God and not from the condemnation of others as they seek to make us feel guilty. Let not any man steal from us the liberty we have in Christ.
Our Father, we thank Thee that Jesus died not merely to make salvation possible for those who have the strength to accept that salvation, for Lord we do not have such strength. We thank Thee that Jesus died for the dead. We were dead and we can contribute nothing to the grace of God. Lord, we are not secure in our will to believe. We are not secure in our power to keep ourselves in the faith. We are only secure as we understand that those whom the Father chose before the foundation of the world were given to Christ that He might pay for their sins, and that the Holy Spirit will raise us from the dead and enable us to persevere in whatever we may face. Lord, we praise Thy grace. We praise the security You give to Your people. Hear our prayers, In Christ's name we pray. Amen.