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God's Holiness Reveals Our Need, II
MONDAY, MARCH 29, 2010
Posted by: Master Ministries International, Inc. | more..
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Realization of our need

To stand before a holy God demonstrates our acute and actual need of repentance and relief from sin. Such an one needs pardon and purification which rests upon the supernatural grace and mercy of a living God. Note what happened to Isaiah.

To bring cleansing to Isaiah, an angel brought a live coal from the altar. The angel touched Isaiah's lips with the live coal. This personal application brought cleansing to Isaiah and prepared him for God's purposes.

The imagery of Isaiah's experience describes the great need of an unclean Church of today. It pictures the sanctifying work that we require. We need the refining and purifying fire of the Holy Spirit Who applies the word and work of Jesus Christ to our lives.

God's Spirit convicts of sin and uses God's word to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart. The Holy Spirit brings repentance and relief from sin. This personal application of Christ's work brings pardon and purification.

It seems the Church knows little and sees little need of this sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, the modern Church of Jesus Christ emulates Martha, who was troubled and disturbed about many things, except the right thing, like Mary and Isaiah.3

As evidence, note the increasing numbers of Christians who flock to hear the latest tricks on how to build a Sunday School, how to program Church growth, how to handle your money, or how to solve the latest psychological trauma.

To my grief, I have yet to examine materials from these kinds of accents that emphasize the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit. He receives only token and "proof text" acknowledgment. Further, none of them that I have seen have set forth the possibility and the necessity of a fresh revelation of the King of Glory, which is of permanent value and importance.

Instead, we pursue these rainbows, which the Bible does not demand nor condone, as if they will yield the golden pot of holiness, which the Bible does require.4

We have failed to recognize our true condition, and thus our true need, repentance and relief from sin unto holiness. The Church today emphasizes performance instead of purity, personal happiness instead of personal holiness, crowds instead of Christ, regalias instead of righteousness.

But you cannot serve both God and mammon.5 The pursuit of purity and personal holiness cannot coexist with other efforts nor can it rank behind other endeavors. It must take first place.

I have concluded one thing from observing Biblical and Church history. We have failed to learn from it. For without exception, the pursuit of personal, practical holiness has always produced a revived, effective, growing, powerful people of God.

In contrast, every other emphasis has produced a weak, unclean, ineffective, slumbering Church. The current modern Church is a prime example of the later truth.

Without question, the Church, Christians, perhaps even you, need to recognize our true need. We need the sanctifying purifying work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Nothing else will turn the tide. Purity always precedes the outpouring of God's glorious presence.

Reason for these truths

What does the Holy Spirit want these truths to accomplish in your life today? At the very least, He wants you to know the truth. He desires you to discern the fallacies that abound in current Church trends. He also longs for you to know the truth of His word.

These truths will enlighten you in the character and nature of God, His relationship with mankind, His demands for mankind, and mankind's relationship with God.
Are these truths what you believe? Do they mold and shape your life? Do you avoid and reject the fads of today that oppose Scriptural truth? Do you shun those practices they recommend?

Truly this passage provides an example from Isaiah's life for believers to follow. I pray that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes and clarify these truths in your life.

In addition, the Holy Spirit wants these truths to convict you of sin. Where in your life has He identified your failure to apply these truths in your life? Has He discovered unbelief and disobedience?

Whether it arises from ignorance, a satisfaction with the status quo, adaptation to society, or outright rebellion, sin is still sin. It glorifies self, centers upon personal gratification, and denies glory to God that only He rightly deserves. It quenches the work of the Holy Spirit.

I pray that the Spirit of God will do His convicting and examining work in your life and identify your failures in these issues.

What conclusions about your conduct has God's Spirit revealed to you? Has He found you faithful or doubtful? Obedient or disobedient? Approved or disapproved? Innocent or guilty? The guilt of sin and the reproof of the Spirit call for relief from the judgment of God.

Even the smallest of sins, if there is such a thing as a small sin, causes broken fellowship with the Father. The nature of these truths, the characteristics of their duty, and the plight of mankind unequivocally necessitate the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit to apply these truths in your life.

What changes does the Holy Spirit need to bring into your life today because of these truths? At the outset, we must realize the refuge of lies that keep us from faith and obedience. Self-defense, excuses, justification, and delay only continue our broken fellowship from God for our sins.

We must recognize God's demands and our obligation to them. He requires personal holiness and immediate repentance from any departure from it. He does not excuse delay.

Only complete repentance brings relief. It starts with a clear sense of our sin, without compromise or concealment. A profound sorrow and shame for sin accompanies a hatred for what God hates. In turning from sin unto Jesus Christ in humble, detailed confession, the repentant one finds relief from sin.

I pray that the Holy Spirit will apply these truths in your life today. I pray that He will bring repentance to you and relief in His precious blood.

References: 1. Romans 8.5-8; 2. John 3.6; 3. Luke 10.40-42; 4. Hebrews 12.14; 5. Matthew 6.24.


Gill, John; Exposition Of The Old And New Testaments (The Baptist Standard Bearer, Inc., Paris, AR), 9 Vols. reprinted in 1989.

Henry, Matthew; Matthew Henry's Commentary On The Whole Bible (Revell, New York) 6 Vols.

Jamieson, Robert, D. D.; Fausset, A. R., A. M.; Brown, David, D. D.; Commentary On The Whole Bible (Zondervan, Grand Rapids), 5th revised printing in 1966.

Pink, Arthur W.; The Attributes Of God (Baker Book House, Grand Rapids) 1975.

Poole, Matthew; A Commentary On The Holy Bible (Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody, MS), 3 Vols.

Tozer, A. W.; The Knowledge Of The Holy (Harper & Row, New York) 1961.

Watson, Thomas. A Body Of Divinity. (The Banner Of Truth Trust, Carlisle, PA) 1992.

Wilson, William. Wilson's Old Testament Word Studies (MacDonald Publishing Company, McLean, VA).

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