March 28, 2010
Of Princeton, New Jersey
James 5: 7: Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord.
Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd floor
150 Washington Street, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553
Sunday 10:00 AM Bible Class
11:00 AM Morning Service
Thursday 7:00 PM Mid-week Service
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7 Birch Street
Pennington, New Jersey 08534
Phone: 615-513-4464
James 5: 1-11
The epistle begins with an encouragement to patiently endure and ends stating the importance of converting a brother from error (James 5:19, 20). Draw a straight line from beginning to end and stay on this heading. James declares a brother is turned from error the same way he is born of God the first hour, by the immutable will of God through the gospel, asking God in prayer (James 1:18). No matter how much of a trial it presents, continuing in the perfect law of liberty is submitting to God while patiently waiting with Abraham and Rahab, convinced that "God is able to raise up, even from the dead." Faith without these works is dead (James 3:13-18; 4:1, 7).
Go To Now--We Will; Go To Now--Rich Men
James 4: 13; 5: 1
"Go to now" means "reflect on this." These seem to be illustrations which help us with the greater teaching of the epistle. First, James declares the power is not in us to make our will come to pass in our daily lives. How then can we expect to effectually turn a brother by our will? All such boasting is evil. We ought to say, "Lord, if thou will." Secondly, James seems to compare the masterly, unbridled spirit of religious men with the rich, wicked men of this earth. It is odd that James would use a rich man for an example (James 5:11). Job was rich in temporal possessions, but Job patiently endured what James has been speaking of: the condemning tongues of men who were rich in their own conceit. His friends did everything James has cautioned us not to do from the end of chapter 2 to chapter 5. Consider this text in that light.
Rusted Riches
James 5: 1-3
The Lord defines a "rich man" (Luke 2:21). God gives us earthly possessions and the unsearchable riches of Christ Jesus to clothe needy brethren in their affliction, not to hold back these riches. Ye Heaped Treasure Together: the apostle Paul used a similar expression in Romans 2 when addressing the self-righteousness that James is addressing (Romans 2:3-5). The self-righteous man will not declare the riches of God's goodness and forbearance and longsuffering in the face of Christ Jesus, by which the Holy Spirit leads erring sinners to repentance. Instead, like the rich men of this earth, through the hard and impenitent heart, self-righteous men treasure up the riches of their law-keeping, their yoking of others, for the last days (Galatians 6:13). Both kinds of rich men think their treasure will be salvation, but in reality they are heaping up the wrath of God (Matthew 5:22, 23). Like rich men bite and devour to obtain their riches, vain religionists bite and devour (Galatians 5:15). The Holy Spirit says, "Howl for your miseries that shall come upon you."
The Hire of the Laborers
James 5: 4; Deuteronomy 24:15
The Lord's laborers in his field are his faithful witnesses (Matthew 9:37, 38). We plant and water with the word of the gospel while our Husbandman gives the increase. We are not hirelings working for a wage; we are willing bond-servants. But like the laborer reaping down the fields, we are poor and our hearts are set upon one thing--Christ our Treasure. Job was God's laborer but his friends came as rich, masters holding back the Word of comfort which Job's heart desired most (Isaiah 3:10). Yet, his cries came up to the LORD of Sabaoth (Job 42:7). The LORD of Sabaoth means God our Savior, in the person of Jesus Christ, is commander-in-chief of all creatures, all angels, all men, all thunder and lightning, all beasts of the field, even all diseases and plagues. Believer, this is the LORD who will contend for you against your oppressors. And this is the LORD who is able to make the gospel we preach effectual in the hearts of our erring brethren.
Luxury & Law
James 5:5, 6
Many who claim to preach Christ live in luxury as do rich, wicked men (Philippians 3:18, 19). Rich men drag before the law (James 2:6), likewise religiously rich men. Instead of saying to Job "it shall be well for the righteous", his friends unjustly condemned and killed Job with their tongues, saying that God does not afflict good men in the manner Job was afflicted, concluding Job guilty. Job told them what James is saying here: wicked men enjoy great prosperity, which God's saints do not; men's characters are not to be judged by the outward afflictions they suffer.
Be Patient Therefore, Do Not Murmur
James 5:7-11
If you are oppressed or are laboring to restore an erring brother, be patient, unto the Lord comes to lift up. The farmer waits on the Lord to give the increase. Be like the prophets and preach the name of the Lord. Do not murmur. God is the Judge who stands before the door. Note: by grieving Job, his friends stood before the door, that is they blocked Christ the Door (Matthew 23:13). In the end the LORD used Job to restore and the Lord restored Job (Job 42:8-10). So shall it be for the poor of this world rich in faith, heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him (James 2:5).
After clicking on the following links you will find an option at the top of the page for the audio.
Can Dead Sinners Live?
Considering Job
Everlasting Strength
It Shall Be Sung
Questions & Answers
What Religious Folks Really Hate
Unable to Resist
Five Points or Ten Commandments
Credible Witness
Altogether Vanity
A Needful Fall
A Ring of Gold in a Hog's Nose
The Order of Worship
O Ye of Little Faith
The Children of Promise
Love Bestowed
Righteousness Revealed