Scripture speaks of the only True God, the One who, when compared with idols, makes a stark distinction from those idols concerning His attribute of justice and the fact He is the only Savior. Salvation is of the Lord and it is clear that the salvation of sinners is done in a way that magnifies His justice.
But the populat religion of our day declares a god who neither exercises justice nor has any ability to save. It is a god who cannot be trusted to get the task done without permission or a little help. The problem is that this god is "a given" and is so widely accepted that it is the way that seems right to the natural man.
This god is one who did all he can do to save but leaves the rest of the work up to mere sinners to complete. This god is weak, in that, he needs your permission and is controled by the will of man. This god has intentions that, for the most part, never get fulfilled. This god is one who sends people to hell whom he loves. This god is one who had his son die for all without exception and the majority end up in hell. All the while this god leans over the banister of heaven, wringing his hands begging people to just "open the door of their heart and let him in". Poor, pitiful, false jesus. What a false gospel!! It is the influence of another spirit, the spirit of Anti-christ.
Beware of this false god who is neither a just god or a savior. Look to the True God who sent His Son to accomplish salvation for the ones His Father sovereignly chose before the world ever began. This Christ came and perfectly obey all that God demanded, fulfilling the law. He went to the cross and the Father imputed the sin of all the elect to the account of Christ. The Lord put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself by satisfying God's law and justice to the point of death. He finished the work and brought in everlasting righteousness for His people.
There is only one God. The remaining gods are those in the imagination of a depraved mind. Idolatry is the only word that describes it clear enough. Don't tolerate a false gospel. Don't count yourself saved under a false gospel. Don't count your loved ones saved who believe in the false jesus that utterly failed. Do you have more concern for their repurtation than you do for God Almighty? I hope not. Spread the word of warning about the god who is unjust and cannot save if you love people who are in that religion.