January 31, 2010
Of Princeton, New Jersey
2 Corinthians 4: 7: But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd floor
150 Washington Street, Rocky Hill, NJ, 08553
Sunday 10 AM Bible Class
11 AM Morning Service
Thursday 7:00 PM Mid-week Service
7 Birch Street
Pennington, New Jersey, 08534
Phone: 615-513-4464
Email: clay@sovereign-grace.us
Be sure to bookmark our website for daily articles, sermon notes and audio messages
Our summer meeting is scheduled for July 16-18. The scheduled speakers are Bruce Crabtree pastor of Sovereign Grace Church in New Castle, Indiana; Don Fortner pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Danville, Kentucky; and Joe Terrell pastor of Grace Community Church in Rock Valley, Iowa.
By Joe Terrell
2 Corinthians 11:4
From time to time there arises a debate on what constitutes "another gospel". We all know that there are differences among true and honest believers over various doctrines. When do these differences cross the line from mere differences to heresy? When must we cry, "That is another gospel!"? The answer is so simple that there should never again be a debate on the issue. It is "another gospel" when the message is of "another Jesus!" This is the only issue worth dividing over, and on this issue we must divide with all who disagree. Who is the true Jesus? Of all the adjectives I could use to describe our Lord in the gospel, the one that seems most fitting to me is "the successful Jesus." The true Jesus is the one who "by Himself (actually did) purge our sins" (Heb. 1:3), the one in whose hand the will of Jehovah prospered (Is. 53:10), the one who is the Word from God that does not return to God empty but actually accomplishes what God sent Him to do (Is.55:11), the one who has already successfully "obtained eternal redemption for us, (Heb. 9;12) That Jesus, and only that Jesus in the Jesus of the gospel!
Other Jesus's may be very nice and kind; they may fill your heart with warmth and your eyes with tears, but they cannot save your soul! Only the Jesus of definite, successful, and therefore, particular redemption can deliver your soul to God without spot and blemish.
Trust Him, and tolerate no other! Fix your soul fast to Him and your soul shall live! Trust any other Jesus and you shall perish.
By Bruce Crabtree
There are three things I have learned, yet I find myself needing to be reminded of:
1. When I make the glory of God my foremost concern, it doesn't seem to matter if I have little or much of this world. I am content (I Tim. 6:6).
2. When I make the worship of Christ my ultimate attraction, I begin to feel a disconnection from this world and its beauties. I have found with Miss Lemmel that, "The things of earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace" (Col. 3:1-3; Psalm 27:4)!
3. I have found for myself when I make the service of His kingdom my chief duty, I just don't have enough time left to dilly-dally around in the affairs of this life (II Tim. 2:4).
By Don Fortner
Many years ago, I read about an old woman, a believer, whose age began to take its toll on her, especially on her memory. At one time, she knew much of the Bible by heart. Eventually, only one precious, little portion stayed with her: "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day." Soon, part of that slipped from her mind as well. She would be found often quietly repeating what she could of the text. Family and friends would hear her going over it again and again. -"That which I have committed unto Him." Just before she slipped out into glory, her children noticed her lips moving, and they bent over to hear what she was saying. She was repeating just one word, "Him...Him...Him." She had lost the whole Bible, but one word. Yet, she had the whole Bible in that one word, - "Him." The Book of God is all about "Him." We come together to worship "Him." We must know, trust and love "Him." Oh, may God the Holy Spirit set our hearts on "Him."
By Pastor Henry Mahan
Someone may ask, "How may we know that the message preached is the true gospel of God?" I would reply:
1. Does it exalt the sovereign mercy of God as the only and entire reason and cause of salvation?
2. Does it humble man in the dust of inability and reveal his total spiritual deadness?
3. Does it provide a perfect righteousness before God's holiness and a suitable atonement and sacrifice before God's justice, enabling God to be just and justifier?
4. Does it shut every door but Christ, bar every way be Christ, destroy every hope but Christ, and present Him, not His finished work, but CHRIST HIMSELF as our life, hope, salvation, and acceptance before the Father? Yes, then, this is "the true gospel of God."
Pastor Henry Mahan
Contending for the truth against the errors of modern religion is the duty of God's servants. I hope our spirit is one of genuine love to all the chosen of God; but today's rule of charity which requires us to keep silent on certain points in order to avoid controversy, I utterly despise. It is treason to the Lord Jesus to be silent on any point where He has spoken and the honor of His gospel is concerned. It is easy on the flesh to deal in generalities, to denounce hyper-this or hyper-that, and to claim to be a friend to all; but it is required of the loyal servant of King Jesus to maintain His crown-rights and to stand up for His gospel of glory and grace.
These links will take you to sermon notes. At the top of the page you will find the link to open or download the audio.
Respect of Persons
The Authority
Concision or Circumcision?
Mercy Rejoices Against Judgment
More Than The Usual Carnal Trinkets
Undeniable Proof
When the Lord Speaks
Witnesses of Christ
The Spirit of Truth
In Vain Do They Worship Me
Think About It
Why Does God Expose the Sins of his People?
Two Great Evils
Jesus Christ, Both ‘Lord' and ‘Savior'