, You are our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. You have given to us wisdom, righteousness and sanctification in our Lord Jesus Christ. You have supplied all our needs according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus. We can do all things through Your strength. Yet we are weak and foolish and a rebellious people. We have sinned against You in our thoughts, words, and deeds. We have sinned in what we have done, and in what we have failed to do. We have erected idols in our hearts and bowed down to them. We have misused and dishonored Your name. We have not rested and worshipped on the Lord's Day. We have dishonored parents and others rightfully in authority over us. We have indulged murderous hatred, and adulterous lust. We have cheated others of that which is rightfully theirs. We have bent and warped the truth, especially in ways that have hurt the reputation of others. Our hearts are plagued by jealousy, and envy, and covetousness, which itself is idolatry. O Lord, we confess that there is no good thing in us. By nature we are lovers of darkness and haters of the light. We are cursed as those who do not abide by all that is written in Your law. Rightfully, we fall under the condemnation of Your holy, righteous, spiritual, and good law.
But You, O Lord, are compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in loving kindness and truth. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Your kindness and love for mankind have appeared in Him. You promise to forgive those who do not suppress or hide their sins. We have acknowledged and confessed them. Have mercy upon us in His name. Hide Your face from our sins. Blot out our iniquities. Cover our sins. Do not count our iniquity against us. Forgive the guilt of our transgressions. Purify us that we might be clean. Wash us that we might be whiter than snow, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
We thank You, our God that in Christ Jesus we have redemption, and the forgiveness of sins. We give thanks that in Christ we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing. We give thanks for our church and its leadership, for our families, and for our nation.
We are grateful for Your abundant provision, both spiritual and material. You are the source of every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift, and we praise You, O Father of Lights, in whom there is no variation of shifting shadow.
Lord, we pray for those afflicted with great difficulty as they struggle with sickness. We pray, O great Physician, that You might heal all who suffer, whether physically or spiritually. Be their rock and fortress, their shield and stronghold, their deliverer and refuge. Send to them Your Comforter. Use their afflictions for their good. Build their faith, love, and hope. Draw them closer to Yourself. Cause their suffering, and all things to work together for their good, even as You so promise to all who are called according to Your purpose.
Lord, keep us from growing cold in our hearts. Sometimes we feel like dead men inside. We can so easily become depressed. The light shines so bright in the day time, but night time can be so dark. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. When we pray and you answer no, then give us the grace to accept Thy will. When we hope and yet the promises are afar off, then help us to keep the faith. Help us not to waver. Help us not to doubt. Help us to believe sometimes contrary to what we may feel. Our faith does not rest upon our feelings that come and go like the wind on a stormy day. Our faith does not rest in any strength in ourselves. Our faith rests upon You who never changes. Our faith rests upon You who are the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Lord, we believe in One we cannot see. We are called upon to believe what to men seems impossible. We are called upon to believe that the dead body in the grave shall rise again. We are called upon to believe that You are sovereign over all things that happen in this world. We are called to believe there will be a new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. And most of all, we are called to believe that a man dying on the cross some two thousand years ago, washed away all our sin and all our guilt. Lord, You call us to hope against hope, and to believe against the world. Here we are. We are not much. But we are Your people. We believe. Help our unbelief. In Christ's Name we pray. Amen.