Webcast: LIVE! From the NANC Conference
"Knowing The Truth " with Pastor Kevin Boling is a live, call-in radio program providing Doctrinal Dialog, Cultural Commentary and Insightful Interviews with some of today's foremost Christian authors and leaders. Today I will be broadcasting LIVE from the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors Conference being held at The First Baptist Church of Spartanburg (SC).
During the program, I will be speaking with some of the speakers and attendees at the conference.
My guests today will be Stuart Scott - The Exemplary Husband (Focus), Mark Mann - One Ministry of the Word (Timeless Texts) and Mark Shaw - Strength in Numbers (Focus).
You're invited to join the conversation. Simply call 1.888.660.9535 (between 1-2:00pm EST).
Our Blog
-- recent blog posts -- 05/09/18 - The Impact of Creation on Theology 09/13/17 - Martin Luther's Counseling Ministry 07/27/17 - The Theology of Welfare 02/25/16 - Anchored In Grace 07/23/15 - Victory Over the Virtual World 07/15/15 - Hope in an Era of Persecution 06/10/15 - American Contempt for Liberty 04/22/15 - What is that Movie's Message? 04/08/15 - The Christian's Role in Politics 04/07/15 - Joel Beeke: Assurance of Faith 03/31/15 - Nancy Pearcey: Finding Truth 03/17/15 - Parenting Is More than a Formula 03/17/15 - Living in the Gap Between Promise and... 02/05/15 - Why Bible Typography Matters 01/20/15 - From Here To Maturity: Overcoming the... 01/15/15 - Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus 01/13/15 - A Corrective for Christian Hedonism 01/08/15 - A Historic Premillinnial Perspective of... 01/06/15 - Perry Noble's Problem With God 11/13/14 - Stonewalled - The Fight for Truth 11/06/14 - The Problem of Good 11/04/14 - Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible 10/30/14 - Emancipating The World 10/29/14 - No Greater Valor 10/08/14 - Who Killed the American Family? 09/25/14 - Same-sex Marriage Debate 09/16/14 - The Biblical View of Heaven 09/16/14 - Todd Friel: Jesus Unmasked 08/27/14 - In Seach of Biblical Friendship 08/26/14 - Science Standards: Political or Pure? 08/12/14 - Serving The Lord in Liberia 08/07/14 - Prepping and the Providence of God 07/31/14 - The Pagan Heart of Today's Culture 07/29/14 - The Blessed & Boundless God 07/24/14 - Different By Design - God's Blueprint... 07/22/14 - Are Christians Doomed to Living in the... 07/22/14 - Is Atheism Impossible? 07/10/14 - Living Hopefully in Hard Times 07/09/14 - Making David Into Goliath 07/08/14 - Rise, Kill & Eat - A Theology of Hunting 06/26/14 - What is the "Insider Movement"? 06/24/14 - Born-Again Dirt: Farming to the Glory... 06/10/14 - Active Spirituality - Grace & Effort in... 06/05/14 - Did Christ Desend into Hell? 06/04/14 - Planned Parenthood's Pastoral Letter 06/04/14 - The Curious Case of Bowe Bergdahl 06/03/14 - A Man on a Mountain in Haiti 06/03/14 - An All-Surpassing Fellowship 05/29/14 - The Tale of Two Sermons 05/29/14 - Dispatches From The Front 05/20/14 - The Poetic Wonder of Isaac Watts 05/13/14 - Mormons & The Message of the Gospel 05/08/14 - John Frame's Theological Perspective 05/06/14 - Preaching Green Theology 04/29/14 - Walking Whales? 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