O Lord our God, Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, we come before Thee because you have called us to be your people. Once we were not your people, but now we are your people. We have been brought from afar. We were separated from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, strangers to the covenant of promise, and without God in this world. Yea Lord, you have broken down the walls of separation. You have reconciled us into one body through the Cross of Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus Christ has brought us, who were formerly afar off, near to Thee. For Christ Himself is our peace. We now have access to God the Father through Jesus Christ His Son. We are citizens and no longer strangers and aliens. We are God's household. Lord, we stand on Thy word. We have a sure foundation in Thy truth. You laid that foundation through the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus being the chief cornerstone. Lord, you are the way, the truth, and the life. You are all in all. You are ultimately the reason for living and for dying.
O Father, we are on earth for a very short time. History consists of thousands of years and yet our brief span is but three score and ten, and if by reason of strength, for a short time more. What are a few years on earth compared to a thousand generations? What is man that thou art mindful of him? For we live under the Sun, and soon we are cut down and quickly fly away. We are then just a memory. And that memory will soon be forgotten.
Yet, Lord, lest we become discouraged and distressed, while we are on this earth, we are in covenant with you. Our lives will affect many generations to come. There are people we will never see that shall be affected by the life we live. Covenant means that there will be an inheritance. Others will inherit what we leave to them. O Father, may we leave a legacy of faith. May we leave a storehouse of prayers. May we leave a faithful Church that will carry the flame of truth and grace to a thousand generations.
Lord, it is not so much what we have, but what we can pass on.
Lord, help us to live by faith. When we see the enemies in the land may we not crumble like the ten spies of Israel. May we not count the size or our enemies. May we not count the number of our foes. May we not transfer our fear to those of us who are weak. Lord, may we fix our eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. May we conquer in His name. Who are the enemies of God that they should taunt the power of the living God?
O God, forgive us for running in fear. Forgive us for giving up the world to the Devil. Forgive us when we let the world tie us in a box and tell us we have nothing to say that is of any value. We dreamed about heaven when you told us to pray thy Kingdom come on earth like it is in heaven. We recoiled in fear, when the enemy scared us. We emasculated our sons and made them into something less than men. We have lost the power to fight. We have lost the courage to overcome fear.
Our God, we will not be satisfied until every knee bows to the Lord Jesus Christ. We will not be satisfied until every thought is brought captive to our God and Savior. We will not be satisfied until every institution, every race, and every religion without Christ is declared a fraud. Give us the nations lest we die. Give us the whole earth for your honor and glory, or we shall not rest. Lord, before we die, may our eyes see a glimpse of the coming of your everlasting Kingdom. We have watched a renewal of your people. We have seen lives changed. We have learned how to raise covenant children without losing them. We have already gained many victories. Lord gives us more. We will not let you go until you hear us. We will not stop praying until you answer us. We will hold on to your promises as a man holds on to water in a dusty and dry land.
Lord; bless us when we are weak. We are your people yet we must endure the frailties of life. We must face loss. We must face sickness. We must face disappointment. We hope and then we lose hope. We love and we hate. We find in ourselves good and evil. We sometimes lose our joy. Life becomes a burden. Lord, without Thy grace, we will not stand. Be gracious unto us. Keep us from falling. Uphold us by the strength to your power. Give us light when the days are dark. Give us faith when hope seems to die. As we are tempted to doubt, give us strength to hang on to You. Lord, we can never forget your mercies of the past. We remember the days in your House. We remember the songs we sang. We remembered the prayers that You have answered.
Give us a taste of that again here on the Lord's Day. May our joys here in your presence be a fortress for us in the years to come. Give us the joy of praise. Give us the joy of prayer. Descend upon us with Thy Holy Spirit and give us the peace that is everlasting. In Christ's name we pray. Amen.