THEIR BLOOD CRIES OUT Since 1973 I believe over a billion babies have been aborted worldwide. As we speak 46,000,000 babies are aborted world wide each year. I hear their blood crying out for God to avenge them. In the last eight years our Nation has been stricken with 9/11, the war on terror, Katrina, record number of hurricanes in Florida, insane amount of school shootings, droughts in the south and the west. Record amounts of tornadoes and floods in the Midwest. Over 1500 wildfires burning in California at once. Worldwide we see earthquakes, tsunamis, food shortages, terrorists, Nations threatening to use nuclear weapons, a reemergence of the Russian bear and now worldwide recession. Scriptures says can calamity come and the Lord hath not done it. In Isaiah 9:14 it says the people turn not to Him that smites them, neither do they seek the Lord of hosts. God in this verse is smiting or sending His judgments against his people in hope that they would repent and return unto Him, but it seems they continue in their sin. God has been sending his judgments against America and this world for some time yet they turn not to Him nor give Him the glory He so richly deserves. I tell you his anger is not turned away and His hand is still stretched out and His fist is poised to strike.
Beloved numbers 35:33 warns against polluting the land, defiling it with blood. Blood here is talking about murder. Our earth is defiled having shed the innocent blood of over a billion babies and their blood is crying out for God to avenge them and His fist is poised to strike. Psalm 106: 37-38 says they have sacrificed their sons and daughters unto devils and have shed the innocent blood of their children and the land was polluted or defiled with blood; therefore the wrath of the Lord was kindled and He abhorred the people. He gave them over to the hand of their enemies and those that hated them ruled over them. What really happened war came. Exactly what happened on 9/11. Now we have a president and congress who believe in abortion on demand. These people say the Lord liveth but in their works they do deny Him. President elect O bama says one of his first acts as President will be to in act the freedom of choice act, making abortion on demand legal in all 50 states. He has also promised planed parenthood to begin funding abortion over seas which Bush and republican congress outlawed. This man O bama voted twice in the Illinois state senate to have children killed who survived abortions. In my mind this man does not know right from wrong. This man was asked what his definition of sin was? He said that sin is straying off the path which he has set for himself. No beloved sin is straying off the path which God has set. His definition is every man doing what is right in his own eyes. There is a way that seems right unto a man but the end thereof is death. This man also said that if his daughter got pregnant he would not want to punish her with a baby. Beloved children are a blessing from the Lord. What this man really said is that he would be o.k. with aborting his grandchild. You must always listen carefully for out of the mouth the heart speaks. The bible says I have set before you life and death, blessing or cursing, choose this day whom you will serve. In this election we have chosen death and cursing. This Nation is on a downward spiral and it is only going to get worse. Jeremiah 32:35 says the leaders of the land have given the Lord the back and not the face. In other words they no longer look to the Lord for counsel. Gods word is no longer the standard for what is right and wrong. Every man does what is right in his own eyes, and when man is setting the standard soon anything goes. Even human sacrifice. Ez 20:31 says you sacrifice your children in the fire; shall I be inquired of by you? God says I will not be inquired of by you Beloved this world is drunken with the blood of the Saints and the children; the land is going to vomit out the inhabitants. The Lord is going to make the earth empty, make it waste, and turn it upside down. I believe the enemies of the cross have taken hold of power in this land and the shedding of innocent blood is only going to get worse. Jesus said before He returned there would be increase in wars, natural disasters, famines, earthquakes, sin abounding, and the love of many growing cold. This is a picture of Gods judgments against the Nations for shedding the blood of the innocent. The good news is, Gods people will be preserved in the midst of His wrath being poured out. Psalm 91:7,10 says that a thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. No evil shall befall thee, nor any plague come nigh thy dwelling, because thou hast made the Lord your refuge and thy habitation. Look up beloved the Lord cometh!!! If our messages are a blessing to you please consider supporting us financially. |