Still Waters Revival Books' (SWRB) new PURITAN HARD DRIVE (PHD) is not a static study tool and you will be able to continually add to it as we make more digital resources (books, MP3s, and videos) available in the future, as you add your own study personal notes, and as we provide you with new, no cost, lifetime upgrades to the embedded database!
Moreover, we have even built in functions (in the "Share My Comments" tab) that will make it possible for you (if you so desire) to collaborate with us in the future development of the PHD by adding your own comments and notes to future iterations of the embedded (and updateable) database on the PHD!
In the future we also plan (D.V.) to provide you with thousands of new digital books, MP3s and videos (free and a great discounts), as digital downloads through, which you may add to your collection of Puritan and Reformation resources on your Puritan Hard Drive.
In fact, we already have thousands more of the highest quality Puritan and Reformation resources (in all three formats noted above) mapped out for future publication and distribution.
Moreover, and Lord willing, these Reformation resources will not only include newly published SWRB books, MP3s and videos (free and at great discounts), but we hope to make arrangements with all the best Reformed, Homeschool and Creationist publishers to begin to add their products to the large offering of digitally downloadable products we will be offering through
We already know we will be able you provide you with free downloadable and easy-to-install updates to the database on the Puritan Hard Drive, which will, at intervals, include information about all our latest publications and other updates to any of the fields in the embedded database on the PHD (some which may have been written by you and submitted via the PHD interface!) -- but it would be another highly useful addition to the PHD if we are able offer you even more information about publications from other participating publishers too (who sell digital downloads through SWRB)!
All this will allow us to keep your database on the PHD as up-to-date as possible with all the latest new titles, authors, product descriptions, categories, etc. (we add with each new, no cost, downloadable database file that can easily be integrated with the PHD) -- and also offer you the widest selection of new products from all the best Reformed, Homeschool and Creationist publishers who are open to working with us to promote a full-orbed Third Reformation in our day.
All the details related to new products (whether free or for sale as digital downloads from SWRB and other publishers) will then be at you finger tips, including all the new category cross references related to each new product. Once you install the new no cost database, new resources will then appear when you use the SWRB KnowledgeBase program on the PHD (via the categories function or through any other custom search you perform) -- and you may decide at any time if you would like to download any new resource that appears (after viewing all the related data we provide on the new resource) and add it to your collection on the PHD.
We will also be providing a direct link to the new free or discounted digital resources through the resource details screen on the PHD. This will make it a one-click process for you to view any new resource you find on the PHD and decide whether or not you would like to download it and add it to your personalized library on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Periodically, the free updated databases for the PHD will also include additions we have added to the category cross references, as well as any updates we have added to other pertinent resource data in the PHD database (including, with your permission, the comments and reviews you send to us).
Ultimately,your Puritan HD will be fully upgradeable and fully customizable on an ongoing basis -- not to mention the extra discounts (as high as 95% off!) on new digital and downloadable products that will be available to everyone in the "Puritan Hard Drivers Club"! These additional discounts, through the "Puritan Hard Drivers Club," will only be obtainable by registered owners of the Puritan Hard Drive. If you have purchased the Puritan Hard Drive it will also be free for you to join the "Puritan Hard Drivers Club."
These additional (large) discounts for new digital downloads, and the other features I've noted above, are just a few more reasons why the Puritan Hard Drive is the most extensive, most advanced, and most powerful Reformation study ever produced -- and why we believe the Lord will use all that He has given us in the PHD to bless your life in ways that you may not even be able to imagine. I say this knowing that this is exactly what has happened to me during the 30+ years I've been a Christian, having observed many formerly unimaginable blessings in my life, which God has graciously granted through the marvelous Puritan and Reformed resources on the PHD -- as the Holy Spirit used the biblical messages of these amazing books, MP3s and videos to chastise, rebuke, correct, humble, illuminate and further sanctify me.
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17).
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
The power of the all the easy-to-use functions will become readily evident once you have had the pleasure of using the PHD -- as these features on the Puritan Hard Drive will help you save countless hours of studyby allowing you to build relevant and customized study lists and access all the resources in the each list with just a simple click of the mouse. Think about looking through over 12,500 resources outside a digital study tool like the PHD and you will know what a privilege we have to be able to instantly and repeatedly search, expand, refine, annotate, save and print these lists of classic Reformation resources with just a few key strokes and the click of a mouse. As one reviewer said about the Puritan and Reformation CDs, "Truly we are without excuse!" (exclamation mark his).
When you consider that the Puritan HD can be your life long companion in the study of the Scriptures (growing as you grow), that it already includes over 12,500 of the best classic and contemporary Reformation resources we have been able to gather over the last 25 years, that you will be able to regularly add to the database and add new resources the moment they become available, while at the same time building an unlimited number of custom study lists and adding your own personal notes to any resource you choose on the PHD, the spiritual value of the whole, long term, Puritan Hare Drive package is incalculable -- or priceless (as the commercial says)!
All thanks and praise for all the good that has and will develop as a result of the PHD is due to the mercy and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, as He has given us a powerful "Third Reformation" study tool like none other before -- so that we may learn more about how He would have us serve and love Him as He prepares us for eternity, in paradise, in His presence!
Praise ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever (Psalm 106:1, emphases added).