I close my summer of reporting from Seoul with yet another entry given me by a missionary to China. It is a letter written to him only weeks ago, from one who came out of North Korea and gratefully blesses God for his physical and spiritual deliverance. I can think of no better way to summarize the things we have seen and heard for the last six plus weeks.
We have a few more classes to teach, and Lord willing that will be followed by a trip to one of Seoul's Prayer Mountains, to seek the Lord's blessing before we return. I have more stories to tell, as God leads, when I return to the computer in a week or so.
Thank you for praying for North Koreans. Here is one of the results of your prayers, no doubt...
My name is....
I used to live in North Korea, and now I live in China. I'm writing this letter of thanksgiving to those South Koreans who have treated us in such a humane way.
When I was in North Korea, I didn't know anything about Christianity, not the real thing. What little I heard caused me to consider it a vain and foolish idea. Who could believe in an invisible non-existent being?
When I came to China, I went to church and heard Christians praying for the first time. I was exposed to their writings, books from Americans, from the Chinese. I read of heroic men who spread this Christian faith everywhere. I read of a powerful Holy Spirit that fills men.
My viewpoint began to change. As I considered the nations of the earth, it seemed to me that those nations that believe in God and those that do not are so obviously different from each other.
I began receiving ever so much help from the teachers God sent us. Every verse helps me understand a little more. Though I personally have very little knowledge and capacity to understand what the Spirit is doing, the teacher guides me along verse by verse.
I have now read the entire Old and New Testament, the whole Bible! In the future I want to read it again in much more detail. I want to go deeply into Christianity, because this faith is committed to the law of God. I can see that, and I desire it.
This is especially meaningful to such a person as I have been, who did not know God all his life, did not know how to control his emotions, now one who has come to this foreign country. Such a worthless sinful person! People like us are on the margins of life.
But God, in these teachers, treats us as precious. They take us in with a warm heart, and they nurture us.
I'd like to become a child of God, like the Christian people who have warmed our hearts.
I read this in Pilgrim's Progress, a poem that it seems was written just for me!
"O world of wonders, (I can say no less,)
That I should be preserved in that distress
That I have met with here! O blessed be
That hand that from it hath delivered me!
Dangers in darkness, devils, hell, and sin,
Did compass me, while I this vale was in;
Yea, snares, and pits, and traps, and nets did lie
My path about, that worthless, silly I
Might have been catch'd, entangled, and cast down;
But since I live, let Jesus wear the crown."
Lastly, I once more thank you that you showed us God's mercy and generosity in this difficult circumstance.