This thought has come to me only now. I ask you to either confirm or correct my idea, please.
The goodness of God is expressed not only in the things that we like, but also in "bad" things. Earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, illnesses, financial setbacks, death itself are all manifestations of the goodness of God.
If I have to explain to you what I mean, then I am off base. Please, Pastor, when you have time?
-- a listener
I agree. Whatever the Lord does is good, no matter how it may seem to us. He sometimes works through death, disease, disasters, our bank account, etc. to fulfill His plan. But the very fact that He wills anything makes it good. He cannot sin, cannot do evil -- His laws are for men, not Him. If He chooses to destroy His creation or any part of it, no one can say it is "wrong." He owns it all.