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Matthew 24. The Rosetta Stone of Tribulation prophecy
MONDAY, MAY 4, 2009
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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How would the world ever understand those scribble-like markings made by ancient Egyptians? No living person could help. The question seemed likely to fall by the wayside and be forgotten forever.

Then in the Egyptian town of Rashid, aka "Rosetta", a black basalt stone was found in 1799 bearing an inscription in hieroglyphics, demotic characters, and Greek. Well, Greek we could figure out easily enough. An ancient but living language with tons of available works . With the Greek language as a guide, the hieroglyphics were slowly deciphered, the mystery solved. From that day on, a clue or key to a mystery has been known as a "Rosetta Stone".

Greek has helped us solve another mystery. The Greek of the New Testament, specifically in Matthew 24, unravels the entire endtime scenario and debunks theories that have come and gone through the years. The current roughly 100-year-old theory of a pre-tribulation rapture is especially hit hard by Matthew 24.

I can safely challenge readers and listeners to find for me even one verse or passage in the Bible that says in clear and certain terms that Jesus will come for His own secretly, then come back to judge the world openly seven years later. It is not there. Every verse produced demands an explanation, an interpretation.

You say, show me your exhausting list of such passages showing that when Jesus comes the second time, there won't be a third! Actually, I have only one such verse-passage. It is in Matthew 24.

What a glorious portion of Scripture, what an outline of our future, what clarity! First the question, then the very specific answer. The question, What will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the world? In the disciples' mind it was one question, not two. Jesus did not counsel them otherwise. He answered what they asked in brilliant language.

First He suggests that it's a tricky question, and many charlatans will have other answers. Many will show you signs that are NOT signs, and say, "It's time, it's time!": Wars, rumors of coming wars, famine, disease, earthquakes. Not signs!

Serious persecution will come to you. But this too is not a sign of the end. Just keep enduring until the end really comes.

He then mentions the most oft-quoted "sign" of the coming of Christ: The preaching of the Gospel to all the nations. But that is surely not a sign. It is a process that has lasted many centuries and though it will stretch to the very end of history, who can say when it is accomplished? What is a nation? Is a nation reached when radio signals penetrate it? Missiologists debate this one still.

The sign of Matthew 24, so clear to those who study this chapter and drink it in, is an event. It starts with a "when", includes a "where", and describes a "what to do"... How specific could Jesus be? When the last generation sees this sign (which I will not describe in this piece, but the Scripture has lots of clues for that one too!) a huge tribulation will be triggered. The greatest trouble the planet has ever witnessed. All the world wars and financial catastrophes and evil dictators of all time will seem small in comparison.

And then. Then. Then. Only then. AFTER all of this. The word is AFTER. After the tribulation, nature goes wild and Jesus appears with His bride, gathered at that same moment, to establish His reign on earth.

I've been down this road before. I suppose someone will call this brother Bob's "pet" doctrine, the most important thing in his life. Say what you must. To me, this teaching and its demise in our post-modern (whatever that means) church is symbolic of a serious disease disrupting our consistent walk with God. Here is such a clear passage, the only one of its kind that could, if read and believed, solve the "pre-trib" question in an instant, and it is written off. That's right, written off.

"It was given to the Jews," they say. So was the sermon on the mount, most of the healings and miracles, and in fact every major teaching Jesus ever gave. So?

"Well, it's in there," they say. "He doesn't say He comes seven years earlier, but it's really in there..." Oh? What else is in there, I wonder? And on whose authority? The movie guys that did the "Left Behind" series? The prophecy gurus on the Christian channels?

Secret knowledge, knowable only by the initiated is known historically as "Gnosticism." It's a "trust me, I know what I'm saying" deal that leads men by the nose into nothing.

I want to know in the old way. God, what did you say? Oh, now I get it! There it is right on the pages of your Book! Thank you. That's how I came up with this key passage. Did not read a human book or watch a movie. Just devoured God's Word, and how sweet it was in my mouth. Yet how sour when I realize that so few want it like it is...

The hieroglyphics of Scripture teachings are indeed hard to decipher. But for every difficult subject, there 's a Rosetta Stone God will provide the earnest seeker. For the rest, hey, pass the popcorn...

Category:  Eschatology

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