Evangelist John Van Gelderen came to Faith Baptist Church on Easter week for revival meetings. The focus of the messages was to remind the importance of living "The Spirit Filled Life" rather than living in the flesh ruled by sin. Living a life of surrender and a total dependence on God, is essential for victory over our Flesh nature tendencies, and over our selfish need to feed on the things of this world. The week was a time of prayer, introspection, and awakening of the desire to be closer in fellowship to God and to His Spirit. We hope these 6 sermons are a blessing to your life as they were in ours.
1) What Is The Gospel ? - A Clear & Powerful Presentation 2) A Clean Heart - Have You Dealt With Your Sin ? 3) The Reality Of The Spirit Filled Life - Are You Staying In The Basket ? 4) The Reality Of The Flesh Filled Life Versus The Spirit Filled Life 5) Feeding On The True Bread From Heaven - Where Is Your Real Passion & Love? 6) Friendship With The Holy Spirit - The Revival Relationship