Modernity In recent years, local churches have relied upon numerous devices in their misguided attempts to fulfill God's mandate for the Church. Here's a list of the more common devices:
• popular motivational speakers; • best selling authors and books on church growth; • articles and symposiums on how to build big churches; • church doctors and consultants; • facilities: gyms; lounges; design; location; prayer centers; etc.; • emulation of "growing churches;" • committees; • demographics; • surveys and polls; and • church programs.
All of these devices have several common factors which contradict Biblical truth.
In the first place, they reject the divinely appointed role given to the Holy Spirit. God has given the Church the Master Consultant and Advisor, the Holy Spirit. Jesus sent Him to the Church for just this purpose.
A brief reading of John 14-16 and the description of His actions in the book of Acts will give ample evidence of His role in the Church.
Second, the Bible clearly identifies Jesus Christ as the Head of the Church. The Church needs to seek Him for direction and Him alone. All of these devices replace His role as Head of the Church.
Third, I have yet to read an article, report, book, or advertisement in support of these devices that provided any Biblical justification or spiritual reason for their recommendations.
In fact, the ones that I have read completely ignore the potential of God's intervention in the affairs of His Church. Instead, they rely exclusively upon polls, demographics, so-called success stories of other situations, and personal advice.
Fourth, their approach tends more to the methods used by business. But, the Church is not a business. It is the body of Christ. As such, then, it functions differently than business.
The Bible clearly identifies and explains the standards for the Church to follow. The Church is in a desperate condition currently, because it has not followed them.
Fifth, to follow these fallacies ignores or rejects these Biblical truths.
• It ignores or rejects the exclusive role of the Holy Spirit in drawing sinners to faith in Jesus Christ (John 6.44). • It ignores or rejects the Biblical declaration that it is preaching under the anointing of the Holy Spirit that brings sinners to faith and manifests God's word to believers (1 Corinthians 1.21; Titus 1.3).
The Church grows by only one influence, the power of the Holy Spirit. No human artifice can aid. He needs no help. It is a work of God in the heart of mankind.
These stratagies entice the Church to implement programs and devices as an attempt to woo sinners to the Savior or to produce spiritual growth in believers.
These plans replace the Biblically stated means for spiritual life and attainment. It would save countless man-hours, financial cost, and fruitless efforts if the Church would return to and rely upon the three main Biblical means that God designed for these purposes: prayer, preaching, and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Influence 1) political involvement Many well-meaning Christians believe that the Church faces a political problem. They mount massive campaigns to attempt correction of governmental policies and programs. In so doing, they believe that they improve the Church and its impact upon the world.
Like all of the previous methods, this approach ignores the spiritual nature of the Church's problem. The correct political climate will not solve the sin problem of the world. Only God by His Spirit through the Church can produce such effects.
2) economic considerations This particular plan has two general emphases currently, boycotts and shortages. Some believe that if the Church would apply its economic muscle to the marketplace, She would impact the world and effect change. So, they spend hours researching offending businesses to attack.
Still others view the Church's problem in terms of a shortage of money. They say, in effect, that if the Church only had more money, it could more significantly affect the world. Thus, they assert that increased money would permit greater and grander programs and facilities. Then the Church could impress the world and rescue it.
At the heart of this argument lies a rejection, or at least an ignorance, of the power of God. The work of the Holy Spirit does not rely economic issues.
In fact, the Bible specifically states that the rich will hardly enter the kingdom (Matthew 19.23-24). Further, to specifically cater to the rich at the expense of the poor rejects the very ones that God has chosen as heirs of the kingdom and causes the practice of sin (James 2.1-9).
Conformity 1) cultural adaptation Vast numbers of Church leaders today emphasize that the Church will fail unless it adapts to the culture. While many in the past have tried to segregate from their surrounding culture (with no effect), today's emphasis lies in just the opposite. In ways too numerous to list here, the Church has fallen for this concept in droves.
Rather than counter the culture the Church conforms to it. In its watered down state, the Church wallows helplessly against the world's constantly changing mores. She neither fits in nor stands against it. Therefore, it does not, yea cannot correct and change it.
The culturalization of the Church always draws the Church from Her Biblically stated means, message, and mandate. God will not, does not bless such efforts.
2) Biblical translations14 In this attempt, the solution takes the form of presenting the Biblical message in understandable terms. Rid the Bible of its stilted language and the world will beat a path to the Church's doorstep, proponents say.
Sadly, again, this ill-fated method has not solved the problems of the Church. Mostly, Christians buy the new translations, not the world. Furthermore, it has not aided comprehension and understanding.
In the end, the Holy Spirit, given by Jesus Christ for just this purpose, unveils and reveals spiritual truth to the human heart and mind.
3) mass media15 This emphasis depends upon modern marketing and advertising techniques to sell the gospel and its life changing truths. The Church spends millions of dollars every year in this dead-end concept. It sounds all well and good. After all, the world does it successfully, why not the Church? However, it ignores important Biblical doctrines.
For example, the Bible clearly states that no one comes to Jesus Christ unless the Father draws him (John 6.44). Further, the Bible clearly states that no one seeks after God, no not one (Romans 3.11-18). Last, it relies upon the false doctrine that salvation can be sold, for example, like a bar of soap. But, the Bible emphatically says that it is a gift from God (Ephesians 2.8-9).
4) popular evangelism16 In our day, the Church has molded a popular form of evangelism in an attempt to garner believers. This form, however, frequently does not even resemble the Biblical message of the gospel. Habitually, preachers utilizing this method attempt to bring sinners into the kingdom through the back door.
By that I mean that they present the gospel as a means for solving marriage difficulties, bringing personal happiness, or other similar popular themes. Instead, the Bible presents it in far different terms. It demands repentance, life change, and sacrifice, seldom mentioned in popular evangelism.
All of these popular methods and techniques prevelant in the Church to solve the Church's problems have these consequences in common:
• They attempt to make Christianity acceptable and commendable to sinners. • They appeal to the flesh. • They replace Biblical means. • They substitute human means for the Holy Spirit.
Granted the adherents of these methods can point to some meager favorable results. But in the face of these apparent successes, I will remind you of several important truths.
• The Church has become pragmatic instead of obedient to God's word. • Past successes do not guarantee future results. • The ends do not justify the means. • The power of God does not rest in methods, even God given methods. • The power of the Holy Spirit does not rest in means, but in God who uses means.
Regardless of the apparent success, these approaches reveal unbelief and causes disobedience. Paul clearly admonished the Roman Church who practiced this very concept. He warned them not to continue in sin that grace may abound (Roman 6.1-2).
These truths outline for us ineffective solutions for the Church's problems. I pray that the Holy Spirit has opened your eyes to understand them and believe them.