Ever heard of a "fax invasion" ? Use your imagination. Think of a country that is hard to get into. It's in desperate need of information and news. Essentially no internet. You can't pick up a phone and talk to someone. Visiting the place is almost unheard of. So you grab a fax machine after you've found here and there a whole bucket-load of fax numbers, and you fire away.
If you're thinking North Korea by now, you're with me. And if you're also thinking, Hey, what a way to preach the Gospel, too! you get a bonus! Yep, invading North Korea by Gospel fax. That's just one of dozens of Seoul USA projects geared to show that there are no closed countries after all.
Oh by the way, I just happened to have the latest Seoul USA fax, written by a Korean mission intern... imagine you are a North Korean bureaucrat, and your fax machine signals you that a message is coming over the wire. In perfect Korean, it says...
Recently, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited South Korea and China. During her visit, she commented several times about North Korea. She mentioned about the secrecy of the NK government and the possible power struggle that may have a hugely negative effect on many people when Kim Jung Il leaves his office as head of state. Clinton said that there is no direct line of communication with NK so it is very hard for the US to understand what is happening inside North Korea.
There are speculations about who will be Kim Jung Il's successor. And the uncertainty about this important issue is causing great concern for NK's neighboring countries , not to mention the very people of North Korea. NK needs a leader who is willing to sacrifice himself to save the nation from the widespread poverty and many other difficulties that the country is facing. A leader must promote the good of the whole country and its citizens, instead of upholding his own prestige or supporting a few people who are willing to offer loyalty in return for a favor.
We hope that the next leader will be a person who has the courage and boldness to face the challenges that North Korea is facing both externally and internally, and who will be truly benevolent enough to look after the orphans and widows who are abandoned in remote areas of the country away from Pyoung-Yang and other relatively affluent cities.
Someone said the following about the greatest leader the world has ever seen:
"The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned." These words were said about Jesus Christ even before he was born. Everyone is living in darkness whether living in a comfortable house in the West or starving in a barren land. No human being is able to give this light that opens the eyes of the heart, apart from Jesus Himself.
Many leaders throughout history claimed that they could deliver their people but every one of them failed to keep his promises and had to submit to death. Jesus conquered death and rose from the dead. He is alive today and he continues to help and comfort the downcast and the lowly. While the leaders of the world focus on keeping power and wealth for themselves, Jesus is looking for the helpless to strengthen them with eternal hope and life.
He is interested not only in the neglected people of the world but the rich and the powerful as well. All we need to do is ask him with humility to help us and change us. He can and he will change our heart to be humble and loving toward God and our fellow human beings. Just ask him from your heart to come and change you. Ask him to give you the eternal light of life. He will surely come and change your life from within. He promised.
With that simple blast from a fax machine, Jesus is preached. Now someone has to ponder a decision regarding Jesus! Will you back up this project in prayer so that more and more of those decisions will be positive? Imagine Kim Jong-il surrounded by an ever-growing coterie of Bible-believing, praying lovers of Jesus Christ. Incredible thought!