O Lord our God, who is worthy to come to You in prayer? Who is worthy to stand on Thy Holy Hill in the presence of Your Holy City? Who is without sin? Who has not lied? Who has not committed adultery? Who has not coveted his neighbor's house or his neighbor's wife? Who has not complained and grumbled about his lot in life? Lord how can such a dissatisfied and fretful people come into the presence of a Holy God? What is man that Thou are mindful of him? We are like sheep for the slaughter. We live for a few years on this earth, our lives are full of trouble, and then we die. We soon fly away and are forgotten. Lord, who then are we, pitiful creatures with no dignity, to come into Thy presence? Lord, You are all powerful. You know everything, even the thoughts in the deep crevices of our minds. Your hands control the movement of kings and nations like pawns on a chess board. You create crisis and calamity to carry out Your mysterious will. You suspend the sun in the sky by day and the moon by night. You know the trail of every small ant on the earth, and the pathway of every star in heaven. You confuse men in the trap of their own wisdom and You cause the humble to know more than their teachers.
Lord, who can understand You? Who has taught You? Who can give advice to the Lord? How wonderful are Your decrees and how mysterious are Thy ways. Let the wise man bow in Your presence and the strong man hide his face. Man shall destroy Himself by his own wisdom and by his own knowledge.
Thy law is truth. By it the ignorant are make wise. O how we love Thy law. In a day when men reject Thy law, we find that its taste is sweeter than honey and its savor more delightful than wine. For in Thy law is wisdom that never changes. In Thy law is the pathway of light for our way and a lamp for our feet. Men who spurn Thy law only damn themselves to misery. Lord, in a day when men would spurn Your law, call the Church back to singing the Psalms where we hear of the justice of God, the delight of the law of God, and the mercy of God to those who fear Him and who keep Thy law. Lord, the Church has lost so much.
Yea, Lord, we confess, that Thy law contains the necessity of the Temple and the sacrifices that must propitiate an angry God. Thy law is full of bloody sacrifices. Thy law demands that our sins be expiated by the death of a lamb without spot. Lord, we confess, that we find in Thy law the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The tablets of stone carried by Moses were broken into pieces, but the tablet of the Spirit of God etched in the heart of a Christian shall never be removed from their conscience.
Lord, as a nation, we have broken Thy laws. We have killed the baby in the womb. We have legalized sodomy. We have debased the gold and diluted the wine. We have worshiped mammon and we have encumbered ourselves with debt when the Bible says "Owe no man anything." We have played loose with sexual immorality. We have put temptation in front of our children and encouraged fornication. We have sold our souls to the devil and delivered future generations over to Satan.
Lord, we deserve destruction. We deserve to be wiped from the face of the earth. We deserve nothing but slavery to foreign nations. We deserve to be humiliated. We have become so arrogant, that we deserve that our heads be bloody with shame and our bodies cursed with leprosy.
Yet, Lord, there are many in this nation who have not bowed the knee to Baal. Yea, Lord, there are more godly men today than in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. More than three hundred of an army like Gideon's army are ready to fight. Lord, we want more than political and conservative voices. We want godly Christian men who can lead us. There seems to be a dearth of such men, but we know you can raise them up even from the stones of the ground. Lord, give us leaders to lead us out of the cesspool of wickedness and corruption, and lead us into the promised land where we can commune with Jesus Christ in loving submission to His will.
Lord, the only way we know to plead our case is to pray. Part of our worship is to pour our hearts out to You. Be gracious unto us and accept our prayer and our worship. Lord, we will not cease praying until we see your promises fulfilled. Lord, hasten the day when the righteousness of God shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. In Chris's Name we pray. Amen.