"Knowing The Truth" with Pastor Kevin Boling is a live, call-in radio program providing Doctrinal Dialog, Cultural Commentary and Insightful Interviews with some of today's foremost Christian authors and leaders.
There is a new book out (published by Shepherd Press) that is causing quite a stir in the Reformed/Evangelical world. Surprisingly the book is about reaching teenagers with the gospel - even more specifically, reaching out to "angry, unmotivated, disinterested teens". The title of the book is "Get Outta My Face!" and it is written by Dr. Rick Horne. Westminister Bookstore (http://www.wtsbooks.com/) reported selling an unprecedented number of copies (1,000) in just 12 hours!
So what exactly is in the book that causing such as stir?
"Get Outta My Face!, written for Christian parents, teachers, and youth workers, is about reaching angry, unmotivated, disinterested teens with biblical counsel. Such teens confused and insecure - are selfish; they want what they want, right now. They are corrupted by sin and this corruption is the cause of their problem. Despite all their sin problems, they are still made in the image of God, and this is the key to helping them. This book will help with addressing the teen's sin and bringing them to their God-given desires and godly actions. Far from dismissing or sugarcoating sin, this approach opens wide the door to evangelizing the unsaved teen and to helping the Christian teen grow in holiness and wisdom." (adapted from the publishers description)
The first chapter of "Get Outta My Face" is available HERE
"Rick Horne knows from life experience how to do what seems impossible-how to connect with teens. If you care about teenagers, if you work with teens, if you live with a teen, this book will help you reach their hearts."
- David Powlison, Adjunct Professor of Practical Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary
"Rick Horne has invested in teens his whole life. He has learned that he is more like them than unlike them. From years of first hand experience, he knows how to talk with them and his is not afraid of the tough ones. What you will read here is the wisdom of a man who has experienced the courage and hope that transforming grace can give to you and that hard teenager God has chosen for you to be near. This book is a call to action with biblical perspectives and practical steps that God can use to change the teenager and you as well."
- Paul David Tripp, author of Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens
On the program today, my guest will be the author of "Get Outta My Face", Dr. Rick Horne.
Dr. Horne serves the Lord as head of the guidance department at Delaware County Christian School in Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, and directs the school counseling concentration for the Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction at Columbia International University.
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