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Gary Shepard | Jacksonville, North Carolina
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Sovereign Grace Baptist Church 2031 Burgaw Highway Jacksonville, NC We are located on NC53 in the Southwest area.
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Sovereign Grace Baptist Church Weekly Bulletin January 18, 2009
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The gospel of the free and sovereign grace of God in Christ is perfect in every sense. It is truly the wisdom of God and shall accomplish that purpose to which He has sent it. It does truly prove to be a "savor of life unto life" to some and a "savor of death unto death" to others. I have watched as men hear the gospel of free justification through the blood, God's righteousness of Christ alone. This one message exposes what is really in the hearts of men in three ways.

First, it reveals the people of God! His sheep "hear His voice" in this gospel and "they follow Him." Those born of God's Spirit and given faith to believe on Him find in this message all hope for their soul, all pardon for their sin, all acceptance before God through the imputed righteousness of Christ and all spiritual blessings. It moves them in gratitude of heart for God's grace to them to follow Him, obey Him, honor Him, love Him and seek to glorify Him in their lives.

Secondly, it finds out the legalist! Those who would seek to stand before God at least in part by their own works and merit are manifested as they deny it, try to modify it or add to it. They are indignant at the thought that their works have no part in their justification before God. They must make more of what they do or don't do rather than what Christ has done. They claim to believe in salvation by grace but always follow the plain statements of free grace with a "but." Their claim is that such free salvation and its declaration will lead and encourage men to sin. This message of grace reveals that they are not resting in Christ and His finished work but in themselves.

Thirdly, it exposes the lawless one! The preaching of free justification does not make antinomians but it will reveal them. These who would go on in their sin, in disregard to God's plain commands, sometimes make appeal to the freeness of God's grace. They use grace to excuse their course of sin and disobedience. But had they not heard the gospel of grace, these individuals would have used something else to excuse their Godless conduct! Believers in grace do not continue in sin that grace might abound. It is not grace but sin which is the cause. What will this gospel reveal of you?


“And now brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified”. (Acts 20:32). It seems to me that we all have the ability to struggle with many fears and anxious moments, I’m sure Paul was very concerned for the flock he was about to depart from (‘for I know that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you not sparing the flock’). Yet I find a sweet bit of comfort in the words I’ve underlined above! What are we to do when we’ve preached our hearts out to the bride of Christ? What are we to do after we have exhorted the elders and brethren as Paul did here? What are we to do once we’ve said and lived all we are responsible for? Well, such a large pillow of grace I can lay my head upon as stated here….leave it with God and the word of His grace! Let us honor and speak of the glories of His matchless grace as we have opportunity, let us exhort one another daily as the time allows, let us serve with single heart, mind and eye in this year of 2009! But let us ever commend each and every one to GOD and the WORD of His GRACE. He is on His throne rest assured; His word is without error, simply believe that.

Drew Dietz

This was written by Arthur Pink many years ago but it is still true today:

“Without a doubt a world crisis is at hand, and everywhere men are alarmed. BUT GOD IS NOT! He is never taken by surprise. It is no unexpected emergency which now confronts Him, for He is the One who "worketh all things after the counsel of His own will." (Eph. 1:11) Hence, though the world is panic-stricken, the word to the believer is "Fear not!" "All things" are subject to His immediate control; "all things" are moving in accord with His eternal purpose; and therefore, "all things are working together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." It must be so, for "of Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things." (Rom. 11:36) Yet how little is this realized today even by the people of God! Many suppose that He is little more than a far-distant spectator, taking no immediate hand in the affairs of earth. It is true that man has a will, but so also has God. It is true that man is endowed with power, but God is all-powerful. It is there that, speaking generally, the material world is regulated by law, but behind that law is the law-giver, the law-administrator. Man is but the creature; God is the Creator. And endless ages before man first saw the light, "the mighty God" (Isa. 9:6) existed; and ere the world was founded, made His plans; and being infinite in power, and man only finite, His purpose and plan cannot be withstood nor thwarted by the creatures of His own hands.”


With blinded eyes I thought I saw

A way to God for me.

And long I stumbled on that path,

Unable God to see.


But, God in mercy came to me

And gave me sight that I might see.

There, in His word, revealed to me,

Christ is the Way, Christ is the Way!

I thought at first that I must go

To Moses and His law;

And in them find a starting place,

But never one I saw.

I looked within my troubled heart

While searching in my care;

But all I found was sin and shame,

No way to God was there.

Then, all at once, before His word,

I heard a herald say,

"Behold the Lamb," the bloody Lamb

This Jesus is God's Way!

And even now, in unbelief,

My eyes too often stray;

And wander to some earthly means

And I would fall away.

Chorus for last verse:

But, God in mercy comes to me

And gives me sight that I might see.

There, in His word, reveals to me,

Christ is the Way, Christ is the Way!

Gary Shepard

(Tune: The Cleansing Wave)

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