666: Classic Teaching of the Protestant Reformation (Free SWRB MP3s) Best Free Reformed Audio Commentaries On Revelation and Eschatology By Contemporary Reformed Ministers Dr. Steven Dilday, W.J. Mencarow and Greg Price (Free MP3s, PDFs, Videos, Etc.)
666 - The Number of the Beast of Revelation, a.k.a. Antichrist -- The Historic Protestant Interpretation (Reformed Teaching) by Bill Mencarow ( Free MP3 on SermonAudio)
First of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Solved, First Seal Opened, Rider on the White Horse, A Bow, A Crown, and Conquering by Dr. Steven Dilday (5 Free Christian Sermon MP3s)
666 Solved: Classic Reformed & Protestant Teaching!
This sermon presents the interpretation of 666 that was held by the majority of Protestant theologians from the Reformation until the 1800s when mysticism on the one hand and liberalism on the other began to invade the church . This historic interpretation of the number of the beast has also been held by some proto-reformers (before the Protestant Reformation) and even by some of the church fathers going back to the second century -- and possibly even before!
An extremely well presented, thoroughly researched message expounding the true meaning of "666 " in Scripture. Meticulous and relevant in exposing many far fetched fables related to "666 " from expositors of the past, right up to our day. Also demonstrates how a number of modern Protestants adopt Roman Catholic teaching on prophecy. Takes us as far back as some of the early fathers of the church, establishing what was ultimately the Apostolic teaching on this much abused passage of Scripture. Additionally, this sermon clearly expounds the classic Reformed and Protestant teaching (for example, as found in the original Westminster Confession of Faith) on the number of the beast. A must listen, Protestant teaching at its best!
One World Civil Government Is A Certainty - And That's Good News, Says Rev. 16:12 - W.J. Mencarow
This no cost MP3 touches on globalism, Babylon, Romanism, Antichrist, Islam, the fulfillment of amazing prophecies from the Word of God (demonstrating God's absolute sovereignty over everyone and everything ever created) , the Reformation and more! It is powerfully encouraging preaching along the line of classic Reformation thought related to prophecy. Don't miss this sermon, or the complete series on Revelation, which surveys Reformed thought on eschatology using the best Reformed commentaries throughout history. The complete series contains an amazing amount of solid Reformed research and may now be the best contemporary commentary available on the book of Revelation . The whole series (ongoing) is free on MP3 at https://www.sermonaudio.com/series/49544 . COMMENTS ON SWRB (Still Waters Revival Books)
Prophecy, Antichrist, and Eschatology
666: Classic Teaching of the Protestant Reformation (Free SWRB MP3s)
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