"Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be." (Romans 8:7)
All men by nature hate God. Many say that they don't but God who knows the hearts of all men and needs not anyone to tell Him says they do. Perhaps one of the greatest evidences of this is seen in how that enmity defies even the plainest human logic. One would think that since men are naturally religious they would find a gospel church exactly to their liking. Where else can they go and find a building that is heated in the winter and cooled in the summer to a temperature naturally pleasant at no cost to themselves? Where can they go in religion without being begged and pleaded with to give money or support some expensive program? Where can they go and not be pressured into some religious decision? Where in this religious world can they go and not be asked to raise a hand, sign a card, come to the front or any of the other multitude of things that men are pressed to do in our day? What church can they go to without being threatened with hell, lured by the offer of rewards or nearly dragged to the baptismal pool? Where can they go without it being advised or at least suggested that they join up? Where else can they go where the preacher will not be on their doorstep the next day or some religious zealot dogging their heels for the next weeks? Where else can they go and hear the Word of God without opinion, philosophy or compromise and then leave without question? Where else can they go where a man will be honest with the gospel and tell them the truth about God, about themselves, about sin, about Christ and about salvation? Where else could they go and not hear what they are to do but hear what Christ has already done? Where else can you hear salvation in Christ alone, righteousness given as a free gift, sin fully put away and all things freely given in Christ? It would logically seem that men would be overfilling our building to hear such a gospel! But that is not the case. Why? Because men hate God and will go to any place, be subjected to anything, and do or give anything rather than submit themselves to the righteousness of God in Christ. Gary Shepard
Job said (Job 23:8), "Behold, I go forward, but He is not there; I go backward, but I cannot perceive Him."
"I GO FORWARD." Frequently believers are overtaken with this fault; and in saying this, I speak for myself. We come to the conclusion that because God has given to us a sweet revelation of Himself and His word, therefore He is bound to reveal Himself, empower us, and crown our efforts with success at our will and our planning and our decisions! Is He? The scriptures teach that He has bound Himself by oath to perform His promise and purpose in HIS OWN WAY and at HIS OWN TIME! Oh, to learn to be still and WAIT on the Lord!
"I GO BACKWARD." Many times I retrace my steps to places of covenant favor enjoyed in the days that are past. Many times I dwell upon certain persons and places in pleasing remembrance. TO THESE I WOULD RETURN, but the places are changed and the people are gone and the pleasures are no more. I think of many a choice, green oasis in the wilderness to which I would return; but I find there is no oasis there TODAY. These were good and blessed IN HIS TIME and IN THE FULFILLMENT OF HIS PURPOSE! The strength given me today is for today, and I shall need renewed strength for tomorrow. "As thy days, so shall thy strength be"(Deut. 33:25). But I have to be still kept learning that- "Day by day the manna fell; Oh, to learn that lesson well."
Thomas Bradbury
He who comes to God as partly righteous is sent away empty. He who comes acknowledging unrighteousness, but at the same time trying to neutralize it or to expiate it by feelings, prayers, and tears, is equally rejected. But he who comes to God as an unrighteous person to a righteous, yet gracious God in Christ, finds not only ready access, but plenteous blessings.
Toward the new year now we face
Asking Lord Your guiding grace.
May we now all grace possess
All our weakness now confess.
Cause us now at first to seek
From Your word we hear You speak:
“Seek My kingdom to possess
And the Lord Your Righteousness.”
Now with Moses hear us say
“Be thou with us night and day.
If without Your presence known
Let us not go up alone.”
Be our Bethel in the night
Be our Captain in the fight.
Be our Light when all is dim
Peace when conscience does condemn.
With an eye to Christ alone
Let us walk till it be known
All your providence brings near
For us in the coming year.
As these coming days begin
Till God bring them to an end
We lift up our voice with praise
To the Ancient One of days.
Gary Shepard
( Depth of Mercy)