Men set their own standard by which they measure themselves and declare themselves righteous. They are like Henry I of England who made the length of his own arm the standard of measurement. The apostle Paul warns us against this. "For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise." (II Cor.10:12) God's standard of holiness and righteousness is not changed, HIS arm is not shortened! His standard for man is the GodMan, Jesus Christ. But the Standard is also the One by which He reaches out in grace to save and give righteousness by which sinners are "accepted in the Beloved." "Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:" (Isa.59:1)
Though the judgment of God may be slow in coming, it will be swift in the carrying out. In God's long-suffering, His days of grace may each be as a "thousand years." But His judgment against the symbolic Babylon representing this Christless world with its religion, political and economics systems, riches, etc. is said to be "in one hour!" (Rev. 18:10-19) Someone said long ago, "The wheels of God's judgment grind slow, but they grind exceeding fine."
Christ was obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. By His obedience many were made righteous. This is set forth in the gospel which is preached for the obedience of faith. All who believe on Him are righteous through His obedience and seek to obey Him out of love and gratitude. Christ as a Son learned obedience and may we in the same relationship learn the same thing!
Easy, good-natured, affable men, whose hearts are nevertheless unrenewed by divine grace; may be compared to ripe plums and apricots, which, however soft and smooth on the outside, yet have a hard stone within.
Had I all the faith of the patriarchs, all the zeal of the prophets, all the good works of the apostles, all the holy sufferings of the martyrs, and all the glowing devotion of the seraphs; I would disclaim the whole in point of dependence, and count all but dross and dung, when set in competition with the infinitely precious death and infinitely meritorious righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
James Hervey
True knowledge is revealed in our relationships to others. Knowing that perfection is in Christ alone causes me to cease from expecting it in others. Knowing myself as the chief of sinners causes me to be more tolerate of other sinners. Knowing that God is the first cause of all things causes me to cease from blaming others. Knowing my ignorance causes me to cease from so often correcting others. Only pride can keep me from esteeming others more highly than myself
Faith is a real apprehension and spiritual perception of the everlasting virtue and efficacy of the sacrifice of the God-Man, Christ Jesus.
The Christ of all the ages sits sovereign on the throne,
To rule in earth and heaven, By His own hand alone.
He holds the righteous scepter , The One who purged our sins;
From death and hell now risen, His kingdom never ends.
The Christ of all the ages, Both God and Mary's Son;
The everlasting Father , He reigns the mighty One.
To give both grace and glory to those for whom He died.
The blood-bought ones He purchased, can never be denied.
The Christ of all the ages, Our ever-Iiving Priest, Who maketh intercession T o give us daily peace.
And in His throne of glory, We find a throne of grace.
He calls us to come boldly Into the holy place.
The Christ of all the ages Through sorrows and through pains My hope, my joy, my comfort, At all times He remains.
The One who never changes, As God and Man who came;
My righteousness for ever And every day the same!
Gary Shepard
76.76 Double
(Tune: The Church's One Foundation)
It is absolutely necessary for us to be well acquainted with, and rightly influenced by gospel truths and principles, to the intent that we may be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. If sin be removed in its guilt and condemnation from our minds, then we have nothing to fear from death and judgment; for, where the blood of Christ is truly known, there the peace of God is enjoyed, which always makes way for our communion with God, in the real enjoyment of his love.