Our Father in Heaven, from what we see, it appears that we live in the day when prosperity for many will shortly come to an end. We have lived well. We have bought houses. We have two and three cars sitting in our driveways. We have at our disposal everything we want to eat. We have entertainment at the touch of our fingers. We have travelled to faraway places. We have access to education. We have a medical solution for almost every illness. Lord, from what we see, the wealth of many has disappeared. Retirement funds have decreased in value. Corporations are downsizing. Jobs will be lost in the years to come. It could be our job. People will be losing their homes in years to come. It could be our home. The civil government seems to throw money at every problem but the problems only seems to get worse. We borrow and expect our children to pay It back. We leave them an inheritance of debt rather than an inheritance of wealth. Every year we pay more for what we buy and we get less in return.
Lord, there is a reason for everything. There is a reason for the trials of the day in which we live. Lord, if we did not need it, You would not let it happen. Lord, if it were not for our good, you would not let it happen. Let us never forget that it is God who controls the world. It is God who sends the rain and the drought. It is God who sends both blessings and trouble. The events that happen day by day, from the broken fingernail to the fall of a mighty nation, do not happen by chance. Everything happens according to Your sovereign will. Lord, your sovereignty does not make us afraid. Lord it does not scare us. On the contrary, it comforts us. Lord, we know You love us and You will keep us. We know that our holiness if more important than our happiness. We know that our sanctification is more important than our merriment. We know godliness is more important than gaiety. What value is it if a man should gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Life is so short and eternity is forever.
Our Father remind us of the good news that Jesus died on the cross for sinners like us. Remind us that the wrath and fury of an angry God was unleashed upon Him for our sins. Remind us that God was reconciling us to Himself through the death of His Son.
Our Father, we come to Thee in faith. We come accepting the work of Christ as sufficient for our justification. We come receiving the work of Christ as sufficient for our sanctification. We come resting in the work of Christ as sufficient for our adoption as children of the most High God. Lord, we come not to impress You with our good works. Lord, we come not to impose upon You our will. Lord, we come not to win You with our wisdom. Lord, we come not to earn your favor with who we are. Lord, we come with nothing. We come empty. We come with no gold or silver to buy your patronage. We come with no good thing in us.
Yea Lord, contrary to the ways of the world, that is the way a man must come if he is to be accepted by You. Yea Lord, unless we are first empty, we shall never be full. Unless we know how helpless we are, we shall never be strong. Unless we know how hopeless we are, we shall never have hope. Lord, this makes us happy. This is one test we can pass. This is one requirement we can fulfill. To be nothing in the presence of God! This we can do. This we can be.
Lord, how many times we have sinned. How many times we have failed. How many times we have only wished we could have done it differently. How many times we only wish we could do it over again. How many mistakes we have made. But it's too late now to change the past. It's too late now to turn the clock back and relive that day again. It's too late Lord, it's just too late. This causes us grief. This causes us regret. This causes us pain. So, Lord, tell us again how all things work together for good to those who love Thee and who have been called according to Your purpose. Lord, help us to escape sin. Help us to escape just doing stupid things. Lord, we need Thy grace day by day.
Lord, we come to worship You today. We are not here to impress others. We are not here because someone else made us come. We are not here to first receive a blessing. We are here to give. We are here to raise our voices and our hearts in such a way that the Lord of Glory will be honored, revered, and praises. Lord grant unto Yourself the Glory due to Your name. Take our weak voices and our weak hearts and be blessed. In Christ's Name we pray. Amen.