"Knowing The Truth" with Pastor Kevin Boling is a live, call-in radio program providing Doctrinal Dialog, Cultural Commentary and Insightful Interviews with some of today's foremost Christian authors and leaders. "Morning in America" is the common name of an effective political campaign television commercial formally titled "Prouder, Stronger, Better" and featuring the opening line "It's morning again in America." The ad was part of the 1984 U.S. presidential campaign of Republican Party candidate Ronald Reagan. It featured a montage of images of Americans going to work and a calm, optimistic narration that suggested the improvements to the U.S. economy since his 1980 election were due to Reagan's policies and asked voters why they would want to return to the pre-Reagan policies of Democrats like his opponent Walter Mondale. It ends with a picture of Reagan and the tagline "Ronald Reagan - Leadership That's Working."
It is generally considered one of the most effective political campaign ads ever made, mainly for its simple, optimistic message. The phrase "It's morning again in America" is used both as a literal statement (people are shown going to work) and to bring to mind other common sayings such as "a new day has dawned" and "wake up and smell the coffee." (Wikipedia).
Commenting in a blog post the day after this week's election, John Mark Reynolds begins by referring to this well-know commercial saying, "Wednesday the sun came up and I was happy. It is still morning in America. The candidate I voted for did not win, but I got to vote in a free and fair election. Power will be passed peacefully and the Constitution is intact."
Throughout the rest of the post, he attempts to lessen the blow of the ramifications of this election by giving some context and looking at some of the positive aspects associated with our electoral process in general.
He notes his intention and duty to pray for the president elect but also states, "President-elect Obama is also the head of government. In those terms, I am part of the loyal opposition. I will support President Obama when his policies are sound and give forceful reasons to oppose them if they lurch to the left."
The phrase "loyal opposition" is what caught my eye in this blog post. Loyal opposition is the concept that one can be opposed to the actions of the government or ruling party of the day without being opposed to the constitution of the political system.
I think that is an accurate phrase as to where Christians find themselves after this election.
We are strongly opposed to the stated policies of president elect Obama. We despise his attitude toward the sanctity of human life - when he declares that "one abortion is one abortion too many" but then demonstrates a careless disregard for life in his political voting record (receiving a 100% rating from both NARAL and Planned Parenthood) and his political promises of saying that signing the deadly Freedom of Choice Act would be his first order of business in White House.
We are strongly opposed to his socialistic plans for our country. We believe in the principles of freedom and democracy dearly and can not sit idly by why those principles are trampled upon and systematically dismantled. Our country has been raised up by and used of God mightily in this world. We have historically been that "city set on a hill" - a beacon of hope and a basecamp for missionary efforts around the world.
I could certainly go on in our adamant opposition to the newly elected administration... but I think you get the point. All of that said we must also take into consideration the bigger picture (often refer to as the Meta-narrative) of God's eternal decree and conduct ourselves in a manner that is worthy of the name of Christ.
For all of the discouraging aspects of this election, it is not the end. God, not man is governing the affairs of men. His truth will prevail. I pray God uses this election to awaken His people out of their slumber - teaching them by His Word how to stand in "loyal opposition" in a manner that will bring Glory to His Name.
On the program today my guest will be John Mark Reynolds, Professor of Philosophy at Biola University and the founder and director of Biola's Torrey Honors Institute. His forthcoming book with Crossway, "When Athens Met Jerusalem", is a book on Western Civilization and why it matters. He also has a forthcoming book with Conversant Life, entitled "Absolute Romance".
Dr. Randy Stinson will also be joining the conversation at the top of the program to give us an update on the Marriage related election results. Randy Stinson serves as President of CBMW and also as Dean of the School of Leadership and Church Growth at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.
You're invited to join the conversation. Simply call 1.888.660.9535 (between 1-2:00pm EST).