Our Father in Heaven, how thankful we are that we can call You our Father. Not everyone can do that. Not everyone has the privilege of being adopted as your children. The prayers of the wicked are an abomination to the Lord. There is no other way to the Father than through the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord, we come in His Name. We come claiming Christ as the only mediator between God and man. Our Father, as Your children, remind us here this morning of how much you love us. We are not yet free from sin and self-doubt. We need to be reminded not only that You love us, but how much You love us. Lord, the world is short on love. We are long on hatred and bitterness. We are quite acquainted on being annoyed and wanting to be free of the risk that comes with love. You did not sit back and watch us die in our sins. You acted. You sent you beloved Son to die for us. You gave up the best You had for us. You lost and we gained. Oh, what love that the Father has for His children. And Lord, help us to remember that the same God who gave us the Lord Jesus Christ is the same God who reigns on His throne today and is willing to use all His power to do good for us. Why do we worry about safety, when You are our Safe Keeper? Why do we worry about the future, when You are in control of all that comes to pass? Why do we worry about what we shall wear and what we shall eat, when You own the cattle on a thousand hills? Oh, Lord, give us the peace that comes from knowing that You love us much more than earthly fathers love their own children. Your love is everlasting, eternal, permanent, and never fades away.
Our Father we live in uncertain times. Our children who have had so much may be called to live with so little in the future. Our grandchildren who dream great dreams may have to fight to survive in a world that is changing every day. We have been the lender and now we are the borrower. We have been the admiration of the world, but our power and strength are waning. Lord, the first generation of those not raised in good churches are now in places of leadership. They did not learn their morals from a Sunday School teacher.
They learned them from television and schools that were not allowed to speak of the Ten Commandments. We have raised a generation full of greed. We have raised a generation believing that the State can save them whatever they do or however they live.
Lord, we do not know the future, but we do know that we do not deserve Thy blessing as a nation. You may bless us anyway. You may surprise us. You work in mysterious ways. You may hear the prayers of a few and bless the many.
Lord, we come this morning to this Church because we know we must build our house on a solid rock. We come to listen to the words of Christ. We come to be made wise. When the floods come and the winds blow and slam against the house, it will not fall because it has been founded upon a rock.
Lord, for those who build their house on another foundation other than Jesus Christ, when that house falls, great will be that fall. The sun will be darkened in the middle of the day and the mountains will fall into the depths of the sea. Great is God's mercy but great too is his judgment. Let us hide ourselves in Thee. Let us flee to the safety of the Lord's shelter.
Lord, bless our speaker here today. Grant Him the wisdom to speak to us the truth of God's word. Lord, the modern church has been beaten down. It is not pretty anymore. Yet the Church is your Bride, elected from the foundation of the world. The Church indeed is the Mature Israel. We are the seed of Abraham. We have been washed by the water and the word. We are indeed the bride for whom You died.
Lord, grant grace to the needy. Raise up those who are bowed down. Forgive the sinner. Clean the unclean conscience. Strengthen the weak. Give assurance to the doubting. We ask all these things in Christ's Name. Amen.