Don Fortner | Danville, Kentucky
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ZINGER | ˈ zi ng ə r| 0086 noun (informal) A deliciously sweet SNACK-TREAT, especially when accompanied by coffee or diet soda. A striking or amusing remark, QUOTABLE QUOTE, WITTICISM, quip, joke; criticism, dig, poke, prod. When men take the mystery out of the gospel and amazing out of grace we are left with the husks of intellectualism. John Chapman
Our Blog
-- recent blog posts -- 05/19/12 - Five Things About Manna 05/18/12 - Our Righteousness Keeps Us Apart 05/17/12 - There Was A Division Because of HIM 05/15/12 - The Debt of Love 04/16/12 - On The Death of Christ 04/14/12 - The Truth 04/13/12 - From Elim to Sinai 04/12/12 - Knowledge or Love 04/11/12 - Dead Religion 04/10/12 - Faith 04/09/12 - ‘These’ All Died In Faith 04/07/12 - A Standoff Or A Stand? 04/06/12 - The Abundance of the Heart 04/05/12 - From One Broken Heart to Another 04/04/12 - The Love of God Shed Abroad in the... 04/03/12 - What Is The Gospel? 04/02/12 - Blaming God 03/31/12 - Thanks To Mom and Dad 03/30/12 - Precious In My Sight 03/29/12 - The Angel of His Presence Saved Them 03/21/12 - We Sing 'Joy To The World!' 03/20/12 - Good News, for Sinners Only 03/19/12 - Don’t Call Me Reverend 03/17/12 - Dry Sand and Deep Wells 03/16/12 - 'The Bible Teaches That, But I Don't... 03/15/12 - Bitter Pools – Sweet Remedies 03/14/12 - Christ Died in Place of His People 03/13/12 - Sovereign Grace 03/12/12 - Why Is Marah’s Pool So Bitter? 03/10/12 - Faith 03/09/12 - The Powers That Be 02/28/12 - Why Does God Send Trouble? 02/27/12 - Live Peaceably With All Men 02/25/12 - My Substitute 02/24/12 - Confessing Christ and Confessed by... 02/23/12 - Saved By Faith 02/22/12 - A Woman With A Plan 02/21/12 - Like Him 02/20/12 - Casting All Your Care Upon Him 02/19/12 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 02/18/12 - To the praise of the glory of His grace, 02/17/12 - A Lamb for an Ass 02/16/12 - Why Make An Issue Of God Not Loving All... 02/15/12 - A One Note Symphony 02/14/12 - The Slaying of the Firstborn 02/13/12 - Casting all your care upon Him 02/12/12 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 02/11/12 - A Preacher Called John 02/10/12 - For What Is A Man Profited? 02/09/12 - Sir, We Would See Jesus 02/08/12 - Back To Christ 02/07/12 - Mercy Sought, Mercy Found 02/05/12 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 02/04/12 - Even As Others 02/03/12 - Not Heads 02/02/12 - I’d Rather Hear AND See 02/01/12 - God’s Plague of Darkness 01/31/12 - For Whom Christ Died 01/30/12 - Spiritual Locusts 01/29/12 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 01/28/12 - Wonderful Metaphors 01/27/12 - Why are You So Fearful? 01/26/12 - Ashamed, Not Ashamed 01/22/12 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 01/16/12 - The Most Blessed Words Ever Spoken 01/15/12 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 01/14/12 - Give Your HEART To Jesus? 01/13/12 - The Botch of Egypt 01/12/12 - Become As Little Children 01/11/12 - The Importance of Knowing Christ 01/10/12 - Mistaken or Satanic? 01/09/12 - The King’s Heart is In The Hand of The... 01/08/12 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 01/07/12 - Free Counseling!! 01/07/12 - I Thought 01/06/12 - My Last Sermon 01/05/12 - Two Natures In One Person 01/04/12 - Faith 01/03/12 - God has made this Jesus 01/02/12 - Business is Business 01/01/12 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 12/31/11 - Come Here and Hear 12/30/11 - How Is Salvation Received? 12/29/11 - The Mystery 12/28/11 - Isaiah’s Description of Christ’s Death... 12/27/11 - A Virgin . . .Shall Bring Forth . . .... 12/25/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 12/23/11 - A Hospital For Sinners 12/22/11 - Foolishness or Power? 12/21/11 - The Believer’s Rule of Life 12/20/11 - Irresistible Grace 12/19/11 - My Righteous Standing Before God 12/18/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 12/17/11 - The Great Goodness of God 12/16/11 - Stay In the House 12/15/11 - Death’s Flood 12/14/11 - The Plague of the Beasts 12/13/11 - Two Natures in One Person 12/12/11 - Lord, Make Us To See Our Need 12/11/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 12/10/11 - The King’s Heart 12/04/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 11/27/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 11/13/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 11/10/11 - The Fly - A Maggot With Wings 11/09/11 - Christ died for our sins according to... 11/08/11 - Eating and Sleeping With Frogs 11/07/11 - To Stir Up Your Pure Minds 11/06/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 11/05/11 - Christ Is Greater Than Things... 11/04/11 - Such As Should Be Saved 11/03/11 - In The Sweat of Thy Face Shalt Thou Eat... 11/02/11 - The Smitten Waters 11/01/11 - Of God is Christ Jesus made unto Us... 10/31/11 - The Beauty of Old Age 10/30/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 10/29/11 - The Righteousness of God 10/28/11 - The Dust Became Lice 10/27/11 - Christ and his Bride 10/26/11 - My Heart is Fixed 10/24/11 - Was Christ really made sin? 10/23/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 10/19/11 - 'Go' and 'Come' 10/18/11 - Where is God My Maker? 10/17/11 - The Truth 10/16/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 10/15/11 - Grace is Not An Offer 10/14/11 - The Will of Man 10/13/11 - Walk In Wisdom Toward Them That Are... 10/12/11 - The Law of Doctrine 10/11/11 - Why Regeneration is Called A New... 10/10/11 - Evil and Good 10/09/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 10/04/11 - All We Can Do Is Pray 10/02/11 - FREE - Spurgeon's Sermons by Bible Book... 09/28/11 - FREE - KJV; ASV; Websters; Darbys -... 09/25/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 09/18/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 09/14/11 - Circumcision; Necessary or Sufficient? 09/13/11 - Does God Plan or Purpose? 09/12/11 - The Gospel 09/11/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 09/10/11 - Christ Hath Suffered For Us 09/09/11 - Sign Seeking Hypocrites 09/08/11 - I Have Blotted Out Your Sins! 09/07/11 - The Hard Heart of Pharaoh 09/06/11 - Calling the Dead to Live 09/05/11 - Two Songs and A Sermon 09/04/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 09/03/11 - What We Need 09/02/11 - Christ In You 09/01/11 - Great Plainness 08/27/11 - Rest!
08/26/11 - Getting Older 08/25/11 - The Revelation of Deliverance 08/24/11 - Fulfilling The Law 08/23/11 - What is thy Beloved more than another... 08/22/11 - Physical Life vs. Spiritual Life 08/21/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 08/14/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 08/07/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 08/05/11 - The Restored Rod 08/04/11 - Manna 08/03/11 - It shall be well with the righteous. 08/02/11 - Have You Seen God? 08/01/11 - Noah; A Preacher of Righteousness 07/31/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 07/30/11 - HE Shall Build The Temple 07/29/11 - The Holy Spirit 07/28/11 - Don’t Believe Every Preacher 07/27/11 - Five Things Only a Believer Can Do 07/26/11 - Controversial 07/24/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 07/21/11 - To God Be The Glory 07/20/11 - The Justification of Life 07/19/11 - And the Helpless Sinner 07/18/11 - Hearken or Perish 07/17/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 07/16/11 - Why Is The Gospel a Mystery To Most? 07/15/11 - Four Essentials To Proper Worship 07/14/11 - True Conviction of Sin 07/13/11 - All Israel Shall Be Saved 07/12/11 - Redemption in Christ 07/11/11 - Commitment and Confession 07/10/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 07/09/11 - Great Plainness 07/08/11 - Is My God The God? 07/07/11 - He Shall Glorify Me 07/06/11 - Faith and Feelings 07/05/11 - How Good and How Pleasant 07/04/11 - Christ Is All 07/03/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 07/02/11 - Favored With a View 07/01/11 - The Servant of the Lord 06/26/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 06/19/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 06/12/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 06/05/11 - Grace Baptist Church of Danville... 06/03/11 - Celebration of A Death 06/02/11 - Life From The Dead