Jonah 2:9: But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that that I have vowed. Salvation is of the LORD.
MEETING LOCATION Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd floor 150 Washington Street, Rocky Hill, NJ, 08553
SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Sunday 10 AM Bible Class 11 AM Morning Worship Thursday 7:00 PM Mid-week Service (The first Sunday of each month we meet at 10 AM for morning worship then observe the Lord's Table. After services we have lunch together.)
Clay Curtis, Pastor 7 Birch Street Pennington, New Jersey, 08534 Phone: 615-513-4464 Email:
The exclusion and/or diminishing of the necessary work of God the Father and/or God the Spirit in the message of salvation for fear of not exalting the glory of Christ on the cross (or for any other reason) denies the very Deity of Christ our Lord. For since Christ is truly one with the Father and the Holy Spirit then the omission of the work of one in salvation is the omission of the work of all in salvation.
THE SCARLET LINE Joshua 2: 21: And she [Rahab the harlot] said, According unto your words, so be it. And she sent them away, and they departed: and she bound the scarlet line in the window. God's true messengers can not preach the gospel without preaching the blood of Christ Jesus the Lord because a gospel with no blood is no gospel. 1Corinthians 1:18: For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved itisthepower of God...v23:...and the wisdom of God.
God chose a people and promised to save them in covenant with his Son and Spirit. Then that people became totally ruined and guilty in sin. God's holy character demands he must make good on his promise or his word is worthless. At the same time, the soul that sinneth it must die, or God's holy justice means nothing.
The power and wisdom of God in Christ on the cross is manifest in Christ offering his fleshly body through the eternal Spirit and thereby perfecting a people forever. God's Christ is eternal in his Godhead and thus able to obtain eternal satisfaction, one as Man with his people and thus able to die in their place. He who knew no sin was made sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. So there, covered in flesh, covered in the marks inflicted on him by man's depravity and hatred for Holy God and bearing the wrath of Holy Justice is not a helpless Jesus, but the Power and Wisdom of God! He suffered eternal wrath for each chosen child of God; he died the eternal death of each chosen child of God, but he rose and is the eternal Resurrection of each chosen child of God.
Now, he sits enthroned in majesty at God's right hand with power over heaven and earth. He is sending forth the Holy Spirit to each one for whom he died; recreating an inward man in righteousness and holiness; gifting them with repentance toward God and faith in Christ; protecting each one as the apple of his eye. The God Man is both able to know the infirmity of the flesh and thus provide the comfort his people need while at the same time dwell as their Advocate with God.
Therefore all the glory in their justification is God the Savior's; all the glory in their being made holy is God the Savior's; all the glory in their being made a new creation by the power of the Holy Spirit is God the Savior's; all the glory in their persevering belongs to God the Savior; and after the Lord Jesus has raised all to be with him ALL SHALL KNOW THAT ALL THE GLORY BELONGS TO GOD THE FATHER, SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT.
So as surely as that scarlet thread hanging there between Rahab and the spies bound them to one another in covenant mercy, so Christ's blood binds--it is the New Testament in his blood--his blood is the scarlet thread which binds everyone one of his blood-bought children to him and not one shall be lost.
SINCE CHRIST IS... WISDOM . . . to be without Him is folly. No matter how much worldly wisdom one may have, not to know Him and worship Him is to be a fool. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. For the ox or ass to not know nor acknowledge his Master would be fatal folly. The fool hath said NO GOD.
RIGHTEOUSNESS . . . to be without Him is to be unrighteous (totally wrong). No matter how right one may think they are, or others may think they are, they are wrong in all that they are and believe. Everything they do, think and say is wrong.
SANCTIFICATION. . . to be without Him is to be unholy. No matter how moral, how seemingly good before men. To be without Christ is to be counted unholy, unrighteous, self-righteous, unclean, filthy, unprofitable and totally unacceptable to God. Yes, God is that strict and holy.
REDEMPTION . . . to be without Him is to be sold unto sin, in captivity to the god of this world, worthless, vain and waiting to be cast away from God's presence as rubbish.
THE WAY . . . to be without Him is to be headed the wrong way. There is a way that seemeth right to men, but it is all wrong and ends up in destruction. Christ is the Way . . . the right Way, the only Way to God.
THE TRUTH . . . Everything and everyone else is a lie. All religions, doctrines, beliefs, messiahs, and those who believe and follow them are living a lie. Half a truth is a lie and only Christ is whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.
THE LIFE . . . to be without Him is to be dead! No matter what kind of life one may think they have, it is no life at all without Christ. They are not living the good life who merely have an abundance of things without any troubles, but are as lambs being fattened for the slaughter. Should we envy the fat cow who does nothing but eat and sleep? No, nor should we look on anything but eternal things as being true blessings. He that hath the Son hath life!