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These practices do not describe the worst actions of these despots. In verse number 22 it says,

"Now Eli was very old, and heard all that his sons did unto all Israel; and how they lay with the women that assembled at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation."

Third, this section describes the debauchery and sexual immorality of Eli's sons. In that day, not unlike our day, women would come and help in the temple, cleaning, sorting, aligning, organizing, and just helping any way they could. Others came to pray and worship. We read about Anna the prophetess who was in the Temple when Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to complete the law of circumcision and to present Him to the Lord according to the Law. Anna had come to the temple to serve, honor, and worship God.

Eli's sons used their positions to take advantage of these women and to abuse them sexually. Sadly, this practice did not end with them. I have read of the sexual practices of some men and women in leadership in the profess-ing Church who have illicit sexual relationships with women in their congregations as well as with other family members. When implicated, they lie about their immorality and justify it as a means for their victims to come closer to God. In addition, sexual trysts occur between staff members who travel together to meetings to "glo-rify and honor God." Just like Hophni and Phinehas before them, they are false prophets, teachers, and pastors.

After Eli heard some of these stories and the reports that came back to him of his sons' behavior, he said unto them:

"Why do you do such things, for I hear of your evil dealings by all the people? Nay, my sons, it is not a good report that I hear. You make the Lord's people to transgress. If one man sin against another the judge shall judge him, but if a man sin against the Lord who shall intreat for him? Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto the voice of their father.

When Eli questioned his sons, their response identifies a fourth characteristic of false prophets, a disdain for discipline. They did not care for their father's warnings. They rejected his attempts to correct them. In so doing, they disregarded God's Law and His rule over them. They became a law unto themselves, living as they chose without regard for God's law and those whom God would use to correct them.

Sadly, many in our day have elevated themselves to positions beyond correction. They, too, follow an "I am dif-ferent" attitude. They misuse the Church as God designed it. They set themselves above Biblical Church struc-ture. They reject correction given to them. They refuse to follow direction and guidance from other Godly ser-vants. They deceive others in financial matters and violate the tax laws of our land. When admonished for their practices, they refuse to repent from their sins of disobedience to God and their violation of the trust of others. Like Hophni and Phinehas, they claim special anointing of God and disregard the corrections of others.

For the final characteristic of false prophets, look at 1 Samuel 3.1. This section begins to mention Samuel, which began in verses 17-22 of chapter two. It says, "And the child Samuel ministered unto the LORD before Eli. And the word of the LORD was precious in those days; there was no open vision."

When it says that the Word was precious in those days it literally means scarcity. Scarcity of something helps to determine its value. For example, people all over the world view gold as a precious commodity. They do so be-cause of its scarcity and high quality. This describes other kinds of things that we declare as precious and of value because their scarcity.

Because of the sinful behavior of Eli and his sons, the Children of Israel experienced the deprivation of God's word to them. The Word of God had become scarce. Further, they did not have any open vision. In that day as in ours, the vision for God's people came from the spiritual leaders to whom God has given a vision of His plans and purposes. No one stood up and said. "Thus saith the Lord. Go this way." This dire circumstance followed the failed leadership of Eli and his two sons Hophni and Phinehas.

A friend of mine who now dances around the throne of glory used to counsel me, "Tom, water never flows above its source. A spiritual leader can never take people above his level of spirituality. They will reflect the leader. If you maintain a low spiritual quality, so will the people that you lead. They will reflect your spiritual level. They will not rise above you. If you are not a man of God, then your people will not be people of God. They will reflect you."

The depreciation of God's word in Israel came as a direct result of the spiritual failures of Eli and his sons. The people reflected their attitudes towards God and His word. The spiritual decline of the Church of Jesus Christ today results from the same failures of church leadership today. In the third chapter of his epistle, James warns believers of the responsibilities of leadership. Those who lead in the church have great liability for their actions. Leaders face greater condemnation for their failures, because the spiritual condition of those who follow them will reflect the leaders' condition.

In addition, the dearth of preachers and preaching compounds the problem. Pastors and teachers today concen-trate upon psychology, emotional disturbances, and "How To..." messages on money and health. These empha-ses have replaced sermons on foundational Biblical doctrines and personal holiness. Preachers and teachers to-day have abandoned the declaration of God's word for talks and discussions with no clear statement of God's truths. As a result, the Church Of Jesus Christ floats and careens as a rudderless ship, without direction or stan-dards. No wonder the professing Church has declined into spiritual decay. Our leaders have brought us this way.

The examples of Eli and his sons provide a vivid picture of the spiritual condition of the Church today. There-fore, we must examine those who lead us to escape the same destiny of those who followed them. The identifi-cation of their traits gives us guidance on how to discern false prophets and teachers. May God by His Holy Spirit open our eyes to distinguish between truth and error and escape the wolves in sheep's clothing that threaten to destroy us.

Thank you, heavenly Father, that you have provided for us ways in which we can observe and heed your warn-ing to us through the Lord Jesus to beware of false prophets, ways in which we can examine them and come to some kind of evaluation and understanding of whether these men and women truly are men of God and women of God. Help us to reject the false and to pursue after the truth. I pray that you will open their eyes by your Holy Spirit to see the truth, to understand it, and to grasp it. Grant us by the power of the Holy Spirit to conform our lives to the truth, to come to know You intimately, and to fellowship with You intimately. We will give you, Fa-ther, Son and Holy Spirit, honor, glory, and praise for what You accomplish with the truth in our lives. Amen.

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