Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth, a 450-page paperback which was published in late 2008 by Master Books, contains the writings of 14 scholars on various themes surrounding the Biblical text of Genesis and the literal history of creation, the fall and the flood. The book is currently in its fifth printing from Master Books.
Plans are also underway to distribute the book in Arabic. In fact, a Russian translation has been completed and is now available.
The book is written in honor of Dr. John C. Whitcomb, and contains a chapter detailing his life story, as well as a bibliography of his writings.
Forewords were written by Dr. John MacArthur and the late Dr. Henry Morris.
Coming to Grips with Genesis is edited by Dr. Terry Mortenson (speaker, writer and researcher for Answers in Genesis) and Dr. Thane Ury (associate professor of systematic theology at the United Wesleyan Graduate Institute, Hong Kong).
"What makes this project stand out is not only the breadth and thorough nature of research included, but the way the contributing authors have taken complex and potentially abstract concepts related to reading and understanding the book of Genesis and presented it in a way which impacts your personal faith," said Laura Welch, editor-in-chief for New Leaf Publishing Group. "They lead the reader to develop an appreciation for the deeper meaning of the Genesis text beyond the realm of theological debate into an actual application of these vital biblical principles. The book is clearly a definitive work by a group of respected scholars which is finding continued success in the marketplace."
Master Books is an imprint of the New Leaf Publishing Group. To orderComing to Grips with Genesis directly from NLPG, click on the Web Link below.
For much more information, see the Coming to Grips... category on our Links page, which will be continually updated.