"Knowing The Truth" with Pastor Kevin Boling is a live, call-in radio program providing Doctrinal Dialog, Cultural Commentary and Insightful Interviews with some of today's foremost Christian authors and leaders.
Are you prepared to address the most challenging cultural issues of your time?
Mass media and technology are exploding. Popular entertainment relentlessly pushes the envelope. Biomedicine stretches ethical boundaries. Political issues shift with the polls.
The world in which you live is in the midst of a major cultural transformation-one leading to a widespread lack of faith, an increase in moral relativism, and a rejection of absolute truth. How are we to remain faithful followers of Christ as we live in this ever-shifting culture? How should we think about-and respond to-the crucial moral questions of our day? How can we stand up for the truth?
In Culture Shift, Dr. R. Albert Mohler-one of today's leading Christian thinkers and spokespersons-addresses these tough topics clearly, biblically and passionately:
Christian faith and politics
The Supreme Court and religion
The truth about terrorism
Christian parents and public schools
The abortion debate
Christian response to global tragedies
And many more
Here is trustworthy help for developing a comprehensive Christian worldview. It's timely information powerfully connected to timeless truth that will equip you to stand strong and speak out.
"From grade inflation to global calamities, Albert Mohler is a steady guide. From the psychological coddling of the American ego to the hollowing of the American conscience, Mohler is unremittingly clear-headed. From Nineveh to New Orleans, Mohler holds the mirror at a blazing fortyfive-degree angle between heaven and earth. The burning light of divine wisdom illumines a hundred shadows of our human folly. And at the center of the blaze is the mighty cross of Jesus Christ defining the final meaning of everything. I thank God for Albert Mohler." -JOHN PIPER, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, MN
On this special 9/11 Anniversary edition of the "Knowing The Truth" Radio Program, we will look at one of the chapters in "Culture Shift" entitled, "All That Terror Teaches". My Guest on the program today will be Dr. Albert Mohler.
Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., is president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, the flagship school of the Southern Baptist Convention and one of the largest and most influential seminaries in the world. A popular columnist and commentator, he has contributed to many leading newspapers including The New York Times, USA Today, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal. His daily syndicated radio program is broadcast on more than eighty stations nationwide. Time.com has called him the "reigning intellectual of the evangelical movement in the U.S."
You're invited to join the conversation. Simply call 1.888.660.9535 (between 1-2:00pm EST).