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False teachers: Serious warning!
SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 2008
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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Let me make this as simple as I can. God's Spirit , the one promised by Jesus in John 14-16, is the Spirit of Truth. It can be no other way. Jesus is Himself the Truth, and that Spirit that came to the Church is really Jesus. "I will come to you," he said. Any spirit therefore espousing error is not of Christ, but is a part of the spirit of antichrist.

And error? How is that determined? We believe that the Spirit of God spoke to apostles and prophets, and apostles and prophets wrote it down, thus passing it on to us. We call their legacy the Bible.

With that said, we can now say clearly that error has been coming out of Kansas City and thereabouts for a long time now. In the 1940's it began. The Kansas City Prophets and company emerged promising a new era to Christendom. By the ‘50's there were so many scandals and false doctrines associated with the group that the movement was brought to obscurity, but not death. There have been outbreaks & attempted outbreaks down to the present time. One is going on in Florida as I write.

I must say as I have said previously: Naming names should be done by established church leaders. A good pastor will scrutinize every new "star" that arises, check his doctrine, life, morality, background, then prayerfully announce to the congregation, here is God's Word about ....

Not an established church leader myself, I can qualify for sending out such a warning by including myself in Jude's greeting addressed to "those who are called, sanctified by God the father, and preserved in Jesus Christ." That bunch is told to "contend earnestly for the faith" (Jude 1-3) and look out for certain men who keep creeping into the the flock.

I only hope this message falls into the hands of some who are or who aspire to be leaders in the Church of Jesus. And though I will not give the names of the false ones, I think it is proper to warn about organizations and ministries and teachings. Today's target (and there are many families of falseness), be wary of men or women connected to or approving of "grace ministries", "vineyard" (who took in the Kansas City Prophets in the 80's) the "manifest sons" , "kingdom now" , "latter rain" and "dominion" theology. They are all one family, and these are not all of the doctrines and groups associated. But It is a family of teachers that has already caused considerable trouble to the Body of Christ, and plans more. Here's why. Consider some of the teachings:

"Manifest sons" : This teaching says the church will get stronger and stronger, eventually peopled by a new breed of Christian. God's purpose, they say, is to bring in a glorious church now and manifest his sons (Romans 8:19).They will practically force the hand of Jesus to return.

But Jesus asked: When the son of man comes, will he find faith on the earth? Paul adds, Evil seducers will wax worse and worse. A great apostasy is predicted before the end of time. A great revival is not.

Surely the sons of God will be made manifest on the planet, when they are called to be with Jesus and with Him establish a Kingdom in the New Jerusalem that will last forever. Kingdom-building now is always man-centered and fleshly. Beware!

"Dominion" theology : Through a faulty understanding of God's command to our first parents, this related heresy teaches that we must take over the earth for Jesus now to present it to him at His coming. Truth is, man has already had dominion over creation and has messed it up so badly that God will destroy it, again. No New Testament principle even hints at the church flexing its muscles now to create a worldwide theocracy. That is Muslim teaching, and Catholic thought, but not at all from Christ. Surely the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, all in good time. But this is not that time. For now we simply are looking for citizens of that coming Kingdom who will join us on our pilgrimage.

Apostles are back. Not just small "a" apostles, "ones sent", like missionaries, but men who exclusively receive God's revelation and pass it on unquestioned. But to do this the "new" apostles must sometimes set aside the old apostles, that is, the New Testament, as described above. Those who advocate this family of doctrines, are advocating the overthrow of the present Christian set-up, with themselves in the key positions, apostles!

Back also is the prophet. Not the Bible kind of prophet, but a new breed where anything from 20% to 80% of their prophecies are wrong! This is not exaggeration, but by their own admission. Gone is the Biblical mandate of Deuteronomy 18:20 that says one strike and you are out as a prophet. In is the "maturing" prophet. He learns how to prophesy as he goes along. Eventually he approaches perfection in the realm of prophecy, but be patient with him. Oh my, let me not be sent to a "maturing" surgeon for my next operation, or a "maturing" pilot for my next flight. No, and let me avoid the maturing prophet too. Let him experiment on somebody else's kids, but not God's. The words of Jeremiah 23 about men who prophesy from their own heart and call it the Word of the Lord, apply here.

Then look at some of their methodology: Their general tactic in meetings, which are usually "healing revivals" is to get people worked up, expectant. There is loud music, shouting. There is the encouraging of a free-for-all "liberty". There is opposition to the old order, a despising even of the word "religion." Everything old is to be thrown out. Music must have a modern rock sound. Only the new wave of the Spirit is allowed. So they tell us. And so their crowds grow. There are some real healings, I believe, as people trust Jesus. There are also phony ones. And psychosomatic ones. And temporary ones. And mostly, unverifiable ones. God is not orchestrating healing revivals first of all, but calls on men everywhere to repent and believe the Gospel. Then He calls to holiness and the cross. These things seem not to be preached in a "healing" "signs and wonders" meeting.

What to do? Simply being intent on keeping these folks out will not solve the problem. Restless congregations will find a way to hear what's going on. Dead lifeless groups almost deserve such folly.

So the first step for the church is to promote true life. True praise. True Word, preached by true servants of God who study long and pray long. Men and women must be pointed to the cross. And called to bear their own cross. They must be asked to count the cost of discipleship. Crowds must be allowed to dwindle when truth is preached. That was Jesus' way. Sin must be identified, repentance called for, holiness preached and lived by the leadership. Oh for such a church in our day!

Second, remember there really is true revival possible for a church that wants it. Not in the "last days", not in some other land, but in your church, now. Nowhere does God say that miracles will cease. Nor has the age of praise passed. Hands raised to God in genuine worship, tears streaming down the face, why not, if it is real? These are ageless expressions of a heart filled with God, but none are expected to be ritual of the Christian Church.

The problem with the movement of which I speak in this article is that the church is being judged inadequate based on the standards of a few men whose lives and teachings are suspect at best. No Christian is to be judged by his form of worship, nor pushed and shoved into impressing the church by various antics. God can change a life forever in the quietness of an awesome hard-hitting Scripture and sometimes produce not one tear, not one uplifted hand, no noise. The revivalists create a new liturgy for God's people which will grow old as all the others have. They plant false hopes so that men will love and follow and support them. And while men go after them, churches are torn apart while itching ears follow the new masters.

May the Lord give His church more and more of a desire to return to the written Will of God.

There is an excellent article about these matters, from which I gleaned much information at by Stephen Cannon.

Category:  False Teachers

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