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Prayer 6.8.2008
Posted by: Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church | more..
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Lord, we come before You this day as those who need You. We cannot live without You. Our sins are ever before us and we need forgiveness. We fail so much. We become weary so easily. We cannot persevere without Your grace.

We tend to worry so much. Your Words are so plain. There is no deceit or trickery in them. If we seek Your kingdom first, then all we need will be provided unto us. Why can we not just take You at Your Word? We are we so stubborn? Why do we weary ourselves?

Indeed the grass withers and the flower fades, but the Word of the Lord endures forever. Thy Word is truth. We have forgiveness in Christ. We have a mansion prepared for us in the heavens above. We have access to the very throne of the heavenly King. We have an abundance of the things of this world, and You have promised that we shall always have all that we need. Why then do men doubt Your Word? Why then do men become anxious?

Lord, is it because we have little faith? Is it because we are enamored with this world? Is it because we have suffered very little for the Name of Christ? Is it because we are more influenced by the flesh than we are by the Word of God? Is it because we harbor sin that we needs to cut off? Is it because we are still afraid of God? Lord, help us for we need Your grace. We are a needy people. Others may see us as strong. We see ourselves as weak. Others may see us as holy. We see ourselves as full of sin. Others may see us as wise. We consider ourselves as fools. Others may see us as full of faith. We see ourselves as those who need greater faith. Others may see us as those who have it all together. Lord, at times, we just can't seem to keep it all together. Lord, help us, for we are indeed a people of little faith.

Lord, remind us that it is not our strength that is attractive to You. It is not our accomplishments that are attractive unto You. It is not our beauty. It is not our knowledge. It is our weakness! It is the fact that we know that apart from You, we are vile and undone. We are unclean. We are full of leprosy. We are not worthy to be in Your presence.

We have learned, and we have learned well, that only Jesus is worthy. He was worthy before the foundation of the world, and He is worthy today as He sits beside the Father in all His glory. He was perfect. We are imperfect. He was sinless. We are sinners. He was without guile. We are full of guile. He was merciful. We can be merciless. He was full of kindness. We can be unkind. He died for our sins. We die because of our sins.

Our Father, we confess that there is no other God but You. The God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is our God. We are the true Israel, because we are the people of faith. All other gods are false. No man comes to the Father but by You. Lord, such is offensive to the world. It has always been. It is today. Yea, Lord, we believe it with all our hearts. It is the gospel to us. Let men persecute us for we will not change our minds. Let men cut off our ears and blind our eyes for we will not change our minds. Let men hang us from the tallest tree until we are dead, and we will not change our minds. We are in this for life or for death. If we were to die for Christ, then what an honor that would be. If we were to suffer for Christ, what joy there would be. If we were persecuted like the prophets of old, what reward there would be? Lord, what we fear so much is actually the very thing that would make us more like unto Jesus.

Let the man who suffers praise God. Let the thief steal no more. Let the liar lie no more. Let the wicked who kill the innocent lay down their guns and swords and fight no more. Let those whose treasure is only in this world exchange their treasure for another in Heaven. Lord, convert the stubborn man. Send sorrow his way that he might call out to You for help. Lord, how sad it is to see men suffer, but how wonderful to see me call out for Thee.

Lord, give us the joy of the sinner converted. Give us the joy of seeing those who curse Your name, sing praises to You. Give us the joy of watching men come to Church on the Lord's Day rather than seeking their own pleasure and their own ways. Lord, we hunger to see the power of Your Word give new life to the dead. Lord, we hunger to see men starving for Your Word. We yearn to see the light in men's eyes as they learn more about Jesus.

Our Father, we are Your people. As sad as we are, we bear Your Name. We wonder why You have not cast us off. Yet, we hope in You. Your power is greater than our weakness. We are great sinners, but You are a great Savior. Your shed blood is more powerful than our sins. Your Holy Spirit can break the chains that bind our hearts and can set us free. O Lord, set us free. Break the chains that bind us and deliver us from our prison. Then we will be free indeed.

Hear us O Lord, for we ask all these things in Christ's Name. Amen.
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