How will Christ change North Korea, when He goes in with His people? If this happens before His powerful second coming, He will go in with the power of His own unity, not with the organizations of men.
Clues from Paul, Ephesians. 1:2,3: The true Church is the very Body of Jesus. Not just a body of believers that happens to belong to Him. The Church IS Him! 4:3. What do we do? Keep the unity (that already exists) in the bond of peace. Recognize what is already there and flow in it. 4:13. Unity of belief may not exist until later, but essential unity is now. In God's eyes there is unity. Always has been. Men are divided, growing, imperfect, but unity is here. I Corinthians 1:10 ff. The Corinthians were divided. But Christ was not divided. Denominations formed. A sectarian spirit developed. Personality cults sprang up. But Christ was one. And is still.
Why the "division" today? People divide for a number of reasons.
Some separate because they never belonged to Christ. "They went out from us, but they were not of us."
Some believe they are called out to better things. Dangerous idea. But sometimes true.
Simple differences of opinion. Paul and Barnabas, for example. But Christ was not divided during that incident. The ecumenists of our day would have begged Paul and Barnabas to stay together at all costs. "Together" is not unity in the Spirit. God had other plans for both of them. We can't figure out everyone's motive and don't need to. Unity continues on regardless. There is One Body filled with One Spirit, just as at the beginning!
Our options today as we consider moving into North Korea when things change there (soon we pray!):
announce to all denominations, "Come together!" and let's go in to conquer. But in the large group there is much that is false. Always has been since the days when Roman Emperors forced people into the "Church." One cannot force someone into the Body. Most pagans who came in did so to save their lives. They brought their pagan ways with them and the external church has lived with them ever since. No, a thousand times NO, don't bring this mess into North Korea!
seek God as to who is born again in the crowd that will try to press in. Let God call His true people together. He will then give discernment to those inside who are waiting for the Gospel. God's sheep will hear His voice. There will always be false Christians and cultists offering competition to the truth. The answer is not to join with those who grieve the Spirit, but to preach the truth and let God call His own to Him.
The boundaries of the true Church of Jesus remain invisible to human eyes but very visible to Christ and those who know Him. And consider:
If Christ does not go into North Korea until His second coming, how "nice" will that be? Will Jesus gingerly gather all those who wear the name "Christian" and set them up as little kings all over the land? Is that the picture you see? The Bible says He will come with wrath and judgment, utterly destroying all His enemies. Only the true Body of Christ will remain to judge the earth with Jesus.
So why not join with those true ones now? Making alliances with "Christians" that have not the Spirit of God is always a deadly unproductive road. And it gives the wrong message to the North Korean people who have been deceived these many decades.
Christ, lead on, show us how to win back the hearts of the Korean people for You, Who so deserve this offering.