Our Father in Heaven, someday we shall all understand that You are much greater than we ever imagined. Forgive us when we have put You in a box and limited You, and when we have made You out to be something just a little greater than the angels. Forgive us when we have made Your image after the image of the gods of this world. The world has been misled. They have no idea of the Nature of the true and living God. Your power we cannot comprehend. Your knowledge we cannot know. Your purposes are beyond our imagination. Lord, we feel so awkward as we approach You, but so it ought to be. You are the Creator, but we are only the creatures. You are a King and we are only servants. You are eternal, and we were born from nothing. . Your decrees are most wise, free, and holy. From all eternity You have ordained whatsoever comes to pass. You have been passed off to our culture as One who is at our beckon to sanction our sins and to approve of us even as we rebel against You. Forgive the messengers who have brought down to our level the God who is beyond our comprehension.
Lord, we tend to worry so much. We listen to the problems that face the world in which we live. We see war across the shores. We send our young men to die. Poverty and starvation plague the nations. We attempt to solve problems but only multiply them.
At home we see the decline of a civilization. We are called to trust in men and their ability to control our future. There is so much corruption in high places and in low places too. Sin knows no boundaries of class or status.
Lord, we have tried to change the direction of decline and have not seen much visible fruit. Yet, Lord, You are sovereign. We can't change the direction of the world. There are so many forces beyond our control. Some things are out of control. All we can do is our duty, day by day. We can't stop the crime. We can't end war. We can't stop the earthquake and the hurricane. We are not going to accomplish anything big that changes the course of history. We feel like bystanders in a world we can't stop.
Yet, we can wait and watch and as the surprises come and as the light becomes dim, we can know that all things work together for good for those who love God and who have been called according to His purpose. We can take care of our little world and know that You do not expect any more from us. We can visit the widows, care for the orphan, encourage the downtrodden. We can impact our family, our space at work, and our Church.
We can be assured that whatever You have planned for us is in accordance with Your love and righteousness. Nothing will destroy our faith. Even though the mountains fall into the sea and the sky turns dark, we shall trust in Thee.
Lord, in our own personal lives, sometimes we are confused. Sometime we are baffled. Indeed we walk through the valley of confusion. Things happen that we would never have dreamed. Sadness can be our lot in life. Pain can be our thorn in the flesh.
Lord, help us to remember that there is more than this life. We are being prepared for an inheritance that is incorruptible, undefiled, that will never fade away, reserved in heaven for us
How soon we learn that in this world dreams can disappear. Hope can become disappointment. The foundation can slowly crack and crumble. The sunshine of happiness can quickly become the darkness of gloom.
We are full of mixed emotions. We rejoice and we grieve at the same time. We can laugh and we can cry at the same time. We are full of pity and we yearn for justice at the same time. We are hopeful and we are afraid. We rejoice in what we have done for the Lord, yet we feel like failures because we have not done enough. We give when we don't always have time to give. Sometimes we have time to give and we don't give.
Lord, we are a mess. Lord, we have failed. We are not strong. Strengthen us by Your power. Fill the empty vessel. Build a fortress around us and protect us from our enemies. Heal the wounded and broken hearted. Put back together those who have been shattered into pieces. Reestablish our feet on solid ground.
Lord, today we will hear Thy Word read. We will hear God speak. We will hear about our sins and the wonder of forgiveness. We shall see the signs of the broken body and the shed blood of Christ. You will be present with us. We shall be reminded of the sufferings of Christ and the glories to follow. Make Thyself known unto us. Heal us and make us free. Cleanse us from our guilt. Search us and try us. If there be any sin in us, then take it away with its guilt and grant us the joy of a good conscience. Uphold Christ before our eyes and may it be our experience that we shall never see anything more lovely or more sufficient to wash away our sins and to make peace again in our hearts. We ask all these things in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.