"Calling for Truth" with Pastor Kevin Boling and Dr. Paul Dean, is a live, daily call-in radio program that deals with a broad range of subjects revolving around Christian Living, Theology, and Cultural Engagement. "Calling For Truth" airs live at 1:00pm, Monday-Friday on Christian Talk 660 Your comments are encouraged... call Toll Free: 1.888.660.9535
The results of a new Barna Survey were recently reported by the Christian Post. "America is a religious nation in the eyes of the world. But a new study revealed that the majority of Americans do not rank their relationship with God as the most important personal connection in their life. Seven out of 10 American adults choose their earthly family over their Heavenly Father when asked to choose the most important relationship to them."
A number of issues are raised when a survey of this sort comes out. Obviously, one must wonder what has happened and why. Beyond that, those committed to Christ must be concerned with the increasing numbers of complacent Christians and unsaved persons in America.
Further, we must come to grips with the reality that the cultural slide in America is in some way connected to a slide of sorts within the church itself. We must always see that connection as we are called to be salt and light where God has placed us. If something is amiss in the culture, there is usually something amiss in the church.
A strand of evidence supporting the above assertion is that established churches are not doing a very good job in evangelism. It seems that the church is not being the church when that is the case, at least in some sense. Consider this excerpt from a recent Baptist Press article: "Why does the Southern Baptist Convention need to start even more churches than the 43,000-plus now on the books? David Meacham, senior strategist for church planting with the North American Mission Board, says it's because Christian denominations -- especially the 16-million-member SBC -- regard planting new churches as the single most effective way to evangelize. New churches, Meacham said, simply do a better job of reaching more people for Christ than long-established churches."
If we are to be culture influencers, if Americans are to consider God to be their most important relationship (because they are actually saved), it seems obvious that the church will have to see its own need for God and be the church no matter what. The church must reproduce itself. Certainly a number of issues need to be developed here. But in the end, practically speaking, perhaps churches need to plant more churches to impact this culture for Christ. On today's edition of "Calling for Truth," we'll discuss church planting and cultural engagement.
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