March - Psalm 39B and 40E
April - Psalm 84A and 84B
May - Psalm 22I and 117A
June - Psalm 137 and Psalm 126A
Psalms from Sunday School Class
16B Preserve me, O God, for in You do I trust (tune - How Firm a Foundation)
34C In every time I'll always bless the LORD
37A Set then thy trust upon the LORD (tune - O God Our Help in Ages Past)
40E I waited for the LORD; He stooped and heard my cry
78C Yet in the desert still they sinned, Provoking the Most High (tune - I Sing the Almighty Power of God)
91A Who with God Most High finds shelter In the Almighty's shadow hides (tune - Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners)
98A O sing a new song to the LORD for wonders He has done
100A All people that on earth do dwell (tune - Doxology)
108A My heart is fixed O God; I'll sing my psalms I'll raise
113A Praise Jehovah; praise the LORD; Ye His servants praise accord;
119X Before Thee let my cry come near; O LORD true to Thy word, teach me.
122B I was glad to hear them saying "To the LORD'S house let us go" (tune - Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah).
126A The LORD brought Zion's exiles back
128B Blessed the man that fears Jehovah (tune - All the Way My Savior Leads Me)
133A Behold how good a thing it is, and how becoming well (tune - O For A Thousand Tounges to Sing)