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Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church
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Prayer 2.17.2008
Posted by: Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church | more..
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Our gracious God, our hearts pant for Thee. Thou art worthy of our praise and adoration. The wonder of creation speaks to us the glory of Your power and the beauty of Your ways. Surely, such a God who created this world loves beauty. Surely, such a God who set the sun in the sky and the tree in the earth delights in wonder and amazement. Your knowledge is so near to us, and yet it is so far away. We can touch it with our fingers. We can see it with our eyes.

Yet, there is a great gulf between man and God. You are the Creator and we are the creatures. We can only duplicate. We can only work from a model. We can only discover what You already know. Behind everything is infinity; from the smallest grain of sand to the largest star in the sky. Your knowledge is so vast. It is like the distance that extends into eternity. There is no end. You made the world out of nothing by the power of Your word. How great Thou art!

Lord, we are but dust who produce noisy sounds. The life we live on earth is short. We are here today, and then we are gone in the twinkling of an eye. Our end is the grave. What man knows the number of his days? What man can add a cubit to the span of his life? How can man be so proud? How can man be so arrogant and live as if he controls the destiny of his own life? Lord, what foolish people live in this world.

Lord, not only are we small, but we are vile too. We can be disgusting. We can be repugnant. We can be repulsive. We can be ugly. No one needs to teach us how to sin. No one needs to teach us how to scheme. No one needs to teach us how to cheat. Lord, it is our nature. With the same tongue that we use to praise Your name, we also curse our brethren. With the same eyes we use to see the light of day, we also use to lust and covet. With the same ears that we use to hear the word of God, we also listen to that which is impure and sordid.

Who then is worthy to sing of Your praises? Who then is worthy to pour forth speech day after day? How can man in his finitude and sinfulness come into the presence of an infinite and holy God?

Lord, we are so afraid. Lord, we are faint-hearted and cowards. The brave lack courage. The bold are fearful. Fools indeed rush in where wise men fear to tread.

Lord, deliver us from our dispositions. Deliver us from the shame of our sins. Liberate us from the sin of presumption. Free us from being cold and harsh.

So, Father our honest confession here this morning is that we need a Mediator. As Moses went alone upon the Holy Mountain, because the people were struck with fear, we need one greater than Moses to go before us. Father, we need the Lord Jesus Christ. There is none other who has entered the Holy Throne like Him. There is none other who has earned the merits to be called righteous. Father in Heaven, by our presence here today, we declare our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe He is the only Mediator between God and man. We count Him worthy to go before us and lead the way. He stands in the midst of the fire and the burning ashes with hands outstretched toward us. He alone can calm the wind and silence the thunder. We follow Him. We find in Him our hope. He quiets our hearts like the still waters. He shines on our pathway so that we can see in the darkness. He is the sacrificial lamb whose blood covers our sins. He is the balm that soothes our bruises, and He is the salve that heals our wounds. We are His disciples.

Our Father, the future in this Country is so uncertain and unsure. We see a great nation becoming weak and dependent on other nations. We leave our children a justice system without justice. We leave our children money without value. We leave our children slavery rather than liberty. We leave our children streets that are unsafe. We leave our children schools that are battlefields. We call good evil and evil good, and we suspect that God loves us anyway. Truth has been buried for years and falsehood now rules as a king rules his subjects. We have disposed of the distinctions that made us great. We have silenced the wise man. We have melted into mush.

But, our hope is not in chariots and horses. Our hope is not in numbers and dollars. Our hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ who is our Champion, our Deliverer, and our Leader. From the defeat of the cross came the victory of God. Oh Lord, from our weakness bring forth strength. From our despair, raise up men who can lead us out of the wilderness.

We come to praise the Name of Christ. We come to be reassured again that He is alive and well. He is the Sovereign Ruler of all. Grant us peace here this morning as we worship You. In Christ's Name we pray. Amen.

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