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Holiness is the key principle
The plan of scripture for a Christian walk is twofold: first, that we be instructed in the law to love righteousness, because by nature we are not inclined to do so; second, that we be shown a simple rule that we may not waver in our race.
Of the many excellent recommendations, is there any better than the key principle: Be thou holy, for I am holy?
Holiness is not a merit by which we can attain communion with God, but a gift of Christ, which enables us to cling to him, and to follow him. ~ Calvin, Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life ,1987, p 13.
Our Blog
-- recent blog posts -- 02/02/2025 - Holiness is the key principle 11/17/2024 - Scripture is the Rule of Life 08/27/2024 - Our Covenant God 05/07/2024 - Please join us! 04/21/2024 - The confession of the church 03/30/2024 - He is Risen! 02/21/2024 - The church must witness that God is the... 01/07/2024 - Let the church proclaim 12/17/2023 - Christmas Morning 11/26/2023 - Let the church proclaim 10/22/2023 - Thanks for the gift of weekly manna 09/25/2023 - The church as witness 08/28/2023 - God’s revelation in Christ Jesus to the... 07/24/2023 - Summer Teaching Series 06/23/2023 - God’s revelation and testimony to the... 05/14/2023 - Ascension Thoughts 04/08/2023 - He Arose!! 04/03/2023 - It is finished! 03/06/2023 - The calling of the church 02/11/2023 - The task of the church 12/25/2022 - The Dayspring from on High 12/21/2022 - Son of the Highest 12/18/2022 - The Wonder of Grace 12/15/2022 - His Name is The Lord our Righteousness! 11/16/2022 - One Goal, One Prize 10/23/2022 - Certain knowledge, Hearty confidence 09/19/2022 - Our Mother, the Church 08/07/2022 - More about the Church from Calvin's... 07/03/2022 - Forgiveness 05/26/2022 - Calvin on the Church 04/10/2022 - Symbolism of Red 02/28/2022 - Communion of the Saints 01/02/2022 - The Life of Christ in Me 11/11/2021 - A Great Purpose of the Communion of the... 09/27/2021 - Election, the firm foundation of God 08/30/2021 - Back to School Message for Godly Parents 05/30/2021 - Meditation is ... 05/09/2021 - Ascension Day 04/03/2021 - He Arose! 03/22/2021 - The Gospel Joy of ‘Good Friday’ 01/23/2021 - The lovingkindness of my God is more... 01/06/2021 - The Year of our Lord 2021 10/27/2020 - Our Pastor takes a call 05/22/2020 - Prayer 03/29/2020 - Knowing God 07/01/19 - Growth in Grace 07/02/18 - Pulpit Supply Sermons 05/14/18 - Prayers 05/08/18 - Ascension Day 02/05/18 - Sermon uploads 01/15/18 - Office Bearer's Conference 01/01/18 - 2018 12/18/17 - Year in review 11/13/17 - Form due soon 10/30/17 - 500th Reformation Celebration 08/28/17 - Society Season 06/26/17 - Summertime 06/11/17 - Synod 06/04/17 - Summer 05/28/17 - Schools and graduates 05/22/17 - Ascension Day Reminder 07/18/16 - Communion of the Saints 06/13/16 - Quote 09/08/15 - Series Completed 07/20/15 - Sermons by Professors 05/18/15 - Hope 05/11/15 - Reminder 02/23/15 - Series on Isaiah 6 12/28/14 - Upcoming Conference 12/08/14 - Christmas Morning 09/22/14 - New Series: 'Older Taped Treasures' 07/07/14 - "Heaven is Real" ... not the book but... 06/23/14 - Quotable Quotes 05/25/14 - The Coming of the Kingdom:...