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Effective Pastoral Preaching With Many More Free Puritan & Reformed Resources - Still Waters Revival |
![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/horiz-dash3.gif) Effective Pastoral Preaching With Many More Free Puritan & Reformed Resources - The Preaching of the Puritans by Dr. Joel Beeke, Jonathan Edwards, Greg Price, Charles Spurgeon, Al Martin, A.W. Pink, Dr. Dilday, Charles Bridges, R.L. Dabney, Richard Baxter, et al. (Free MP3s, Videos, etc.)
Exclusive Psalmody, 7 Free MP3s, By Pastor Greg Price, and Much More Free About Classic Puritan, Covenanter and Reformation Worship -- and Exclusive Psalmody! The Puritans On Exclusive Psalmody (Free MP3s, Videos, Books, etc.) - As we reach the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century we find that "the same clericalism which denied the Bible to the common people eventually denied them the Psalter as well and replaced congregational singing with choral productions in a tongue unknown to the vast majority of the worshippers. As the Reformation progressed we encounter an almost complete return to exclusive Psalmody (excluding the Lutherans, who had not extended the principle of sola Scriptura to their worship)... The Scottish Reformer John Knox not surprisingly followed Calvin in this matter, and the Reformed Church as a whole followed their lead. This meant that at a stroke the Reformed Church cut itself loose from the entire mass of Latin hymns and from the use of hymnody in general, and adopted the Psalms of the Old Testament as the sole medium of Church praise. Hence forth to be a Calvinist was to be a Psalm-singer. For some two and a half centuries the Reformed churches as a rule sang nothing but the Psalms in worship... The metrical Psalter was born in Geneva where it was nurtured and cherished by all who embraced the principles of Calvinism... Psalm singing has been called the 'signature of Puritanism'... The English Puritans, being Calvinists and not Lutherans, held to the view that the only proper worship-song was that provided by God once and for all in the Book of Psalms... this was Calvin's conviction, and a metrical Psalm before and after the sermon was the usual practice at Geneva. Our Calvinistic heritage, then, is a Psalm-singing heritage, and our Reformed churches, to the extent that they have chosen to forsake that heritage, are no longer Calvinistic in their patterns of worship... A Survey of English and Scottish Psalmody would not be complete without a reference to the work of the Westminster Assembly. Since the Westminster standards still have creedal authority in some of the smaller Presbyterian bodies which, however, are no longer committed to exclusive Psalmody, it is worth pointing out here that the Westminster Divines sanctioned nothing but the use of Psalms in the religious worship of God... - Dr. Reg Barrow, Psalm Singing In Scripture and History — many citations from Michael Bushell's Songs of Zion: A Defense of Exclusive Psalmody included.
- Singing the Psalms With Jesus and the Idols (Man Made Hymns) of John and Charles Wesley, Isaac Watts, the Trinity Hymnal, Fanny Crosby, et al. By Jim Dodson, John Calvin, W.J. Mencarow, Westminster Divines, Greg Price, Dr. Reg Barrow, Dr. Steven Dilday et al. (Free MP3s, Articles, Videos, Books, Etc.)
Effective Pastoral Preaching With Many More Free Puritan & Reformed Resources |
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